  • 期刊


Development of the Japanese Professional Baseball League




Taiwan's baseball movement spreads from Japan, therefore Japan's professional Baseball league development is worth discussing, by literature search's method, knew that Japan's baseball first year was in 1895, the professional Baseball first year is in 1936, was only inferior to the US 1875, was Asia first. The Japanese professional Baseball studies the US, from 1949 league 8 teams, developed to two leagues, the altogether 15 teams, nowadays the readjustment for league each 6, the altogether 12 teams, the coexistence mutual competition, pull closer two league s for the stimulation the strengths, every year the league champion troop, held the dual meet, strove for the Japanese big game total champion, in 12 teams , some 11 teams once won the total championship, Giants 22 times most, Seibu 13 next bests; The Central League's teams altogether attains 35 times, the Pacific League's teams altogether attains 28 times, obviously the disparity is not big, competes mutually, contends with the glory, is worth the province thinking and studying.


日本野球機構官網 http://www.npb.or.jp/teamsite/ 2010.4.1
日本中央聯盟官網 http://www.npb.or.jp/cl/ 2010.4.1
日本太平洋聯盟官網 http://pacific.npb.or.jp/ 2010.4.1
翁志成著「2013 年美國大聯盟的台灣棒球英雄榜」,育達商業科技大學 2013 年休閒運動學術研討會論文集頁 23,2013 年 5 月 15 日。
維基百科官網 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki 2010.4.1


