  • 會議論文


A Study on the Identification of Elementary School Teacher's Personal Health


學校對國家而言,是培養兒童和青少年成為國家人力資源的重要場所。世界衛生組織於1986年在渥太華召開健康促進國際研討會,並發表渥太華憲章之後,即積極倡導各國在醫院、社區、學校及緊獄等場域推動健康促進計畫,由此萌芽與發展「健康促進學校」(Health promoting school)之概念。 為與世界趨勢接軌及健康認知扎根,近年來,我國亦積極推動健康促進學校計畫,其涵蓋六大範疇為:學校健康政策、健康服務、健康教育課程及活動、學校物質環境、學校精神環境、和社區關係。推展此六個範疇,使學校能持續的增強它的能力,成為一個有益於生活、學習與工作的健康場所。 然健康促進計畫不僅僅是由健康或運動的表面計畫執行,更是認知層面的深化影響,因此計畫執行之基層國小教師即為該認知深化的重要關鍵;故本研究除針對健康促進學校計畫的定義、計畫的範疇、及國內外發展狀況等方面加以探討外,以國小教師作為研究調查對象,了解國小教師於健康、運動與環境安全之認知。


The school is the important place which developing the child and the young people become the human resources to country. The World Health Organization holds the international health promoting seminar in 1986 in the Ottawa. After announcing the Ottawa charter, the WHO starts to push health promoting programs actively in the various countries' hospital, community, school, jail and so on. It edifications and developments the concept of health promotion school. There are six major areas of our country's development health promoting school programs: school health policies, health services, health curriculum and activities, school physical environment, school psychosocial environment and community relations. To promote the six areas of the school that is constantly strengthening its capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working. However, the program of health promotion school should focus on not only the in-depth identification, but also the regular sport and health habitats. Therefore, the study would like to have the basic understanding of health promotion school, and the trend of international development. The program is achieved for the identification, including health, sport and safety, of teachers in the school.
