  • 期刊


Interface Strategies in Modular Product Innovation




Accelerating product innovation speed is a key issue in seeking rapid response to market demands. With low cost and the ability to create differentiated products while simultaneously accelerating the rate of product innovation, modular products have attracted much of attention from both industries and academic researchers for many years. Moreover, product architecture normally dominates the innovation research. The product architecture is the mapping of the components with the product functions. Playing the key role of connecting and interacting between components, the interface standardization is a decisive issue in new product development. In this study, we have tried to build a basic theory for understanding interface strategies in modular product innovation through a literature review that covers a number of concepts including product architecture, functional modules, internal and external interfaces, product families, and product platforms. Based on a product’s internal and external dimensions and openness of interface, we construct a strategic matrix of interface possibilities in modular product innovation. The interface strategies can be categorized into entire interface innovative, platform interface innovative, dominating interface innovative, and internal interface innovation strategy. We also discuss the technological and organizational requirements for each strategy. The interface strategies revolute dynamically accompanied with the changing environment and time. Available resources and the positioning of firm will affect the inter face strategies in specific stages for firms. Based on case studies of three important machine tool enterprises, we examine the use of interface strategies in Taiwan’s machine tool industry. This study finds that existing external interface standards impose limits on product innovation. We also find that innovative efforts tend to focus on internal interfaces, while and open supple net work contributes to the high openness between different products in Taiwan’s machine tool industry. In addition, we also discuss the architectural essence of Taiwan’s machine tool industry, with an expectation that such a discussion may provide that impetus for structural changes in product innovation and supplier networks in the industry. Such analysis has implications for both theory and practice.


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