  • 期刊


The Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Rotational Cropping System in Chia-Nan Canal Command Area




輪作制度 灌溉


Chia-Nan Irrigation Canal System was an important water conservancy construction in the era of the Japanese occupation. It provided a stable water source for paddy irrigation, and the rotational cropping system implemented at that time was an important agricultural management policy. Although there were also discussions about the exploitation of farmers by colonial politics, this water conservancy project does have a considerable contribution to economic development, environmental maintenance, and social stability. This article gives a brief introduction to the rotational cropping system and its societal and environmental impacts for the 100th anniversary of the completion of this commemorative project. Chia-Nan Irrigation Canal System, constructed at the Japanese colonial period, was an important water conservancy system in southern Taiwan. It provided stable water resources for the farm irrigation. The rotational cropping systems, one of important agricultural management policies was implemented at that time. The labor exploitation of farmers by colonial politics is discussed. But the water conservancy project made a considerable contribution to economic development, environmental maintenance, and social stability. This article gives a brief introduction to the rotational cropping system and the societal and environmental impacts for the 100th anniversary of the completion of this commemorative project.


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