  • 期刊


The Japanese care work vocational process as a reference for Taiwan


1987年5月日本立法通過介護福祉士制度(Certified Care Worker),1988年實施日本學校專業教育養成機制與國考證照機制,培育從事第一線照顧工作之專業人才,於法源依據下,日本將照顧工作定位是一份專門職業工作。本文以概念性文獻回顧探討日本從事第一線之照顧工作朝向專門職業化演進之歷程,搜尋國內外資料庫檢索系統CiNii、NDL、華藝線上圖書館、台灣期刊論文索引系統,篩選納入12篇(1990-2020年)日文研究。本文歸納出有六項因素交錯影響阻礙日本探討照顧工作專業性,此六項因素亦正是臺灣現今面臨的阻因。再者,本文歸納出日本照顧工作朝向專門職業演進的條件有五項,可供我國未來規劃提升照顧工作專業性之參考。


Japan passed the Certified Care Worker Act in May 1987 and initiated a dual-track approach to specialized nursing care education and national qualification in 1988 to cultivate and certify care professionals; in the act, a "caregiver" is defined as a certified care worker. This study adopted a conceptual review methodology to explore the historical evolution of the care work professionalization process in Japan. Domestic and foreign databases, including CiNii, NDL, Ariti Library, and TPLS, were searched to identify official historical Japanese policy documents from 1990 to 2020, and 12 studies were obtained. This study concludes that 6 major factors that hindered Japan's progress in professionalization are also the challenges faced in Taiwan. Moreover, this study summarizes 5 principles of the Japanese care work professionalization process that Taiwan can refer to for planning the future development of care work professionalization.


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