  • 期刊


Forensic Psychiatry:An Overview




Fair treatment of mentally ill defendants and protection of society from dangerous mental patients are controversial issues. The current legal and medical responses to the needs of these individuals and their victims are inadequate. Forensic psychiatry has aimed at solving various social and legal problems created by such mentally ill offenders, or insane, in legal terms, by providing ethical, high quality insanity evaluations that comprehensively address the clinical issues of criminal responsibility. In the first part of this selective review of forensic psychiatry, a brief sketch of the development of law and psychiatry in Italy, France, Germany, England, America, Japan, and Taiwan is given. Taiwan has followed German-Japanese theories and traditions in this field for nearly five decades. The forensic psychiatrist must critically evaluate insanity cases with contradictory or inconsistent findings before drawing any diagnostic or forensic conclusions. However, there remain several complicated issues: 1.Markedly discrepant usage of technical terms between the legal and forensic psychiatric frameworks. 2.The findings of “unfit to plead” in the UK, and “incompetent to stand trial” in the USA, are not allowed in Japan and Taiwan. Thus, defendants in Taiwan and Japan are unable to obtain insanity evaluation before indictment, making the course of proceedings much more complicated. 3.Marked discrepancies between the insanity evaluation of criminal law and civil commitment assessment of mental health law. 4.The lack of adequate postrelease planning and follow-up for most mentally ill offenders.   Our contemporaries have experienced a great deal impact of law and medicine, and physician-patient relationship, malpractice, informed consent, and related issues have been extensively discussed in the public. Law and psychiatry is not an exception, and in the United States, a new field of legal psychiatry has been developed. In order to prevent repeated offenses by psychiatric patients, establishment of a mandatory follow-up community treatment system is highly recommended.



