  • 期刊


Study on the Healthy Lifestyle and Its Related Factors among the Senior High School and College Students in Taiwan


本研究旨在了解臺灣地區高中(職)與大專學生之健康生活型態,並探討其相關因素,以作為擬訂學生健康促進計畫之參考。本研究採問卷調查方式,以台灣地區八十七學年度之高中(職)與大專學生為母群,經多步驟抽樣法抽取樣本,施測後得有效樣本高中(職)學生900人、大專學生1086人,回收率為83.1 %。根據本研究目的所得結果如下:(一)高中(職)與大專學生的健康生活型態中值得關切的是:規律性運動的情形普遍不佳;休閒活動仍以看電視、電影和聽音樂會等之「旁觀性活動」為主;當面對憤怒、憂傷或恐懼時,大多數人仍以「壓抑」方式來處理;吃零食、宵夜、油炸食品、甜食、喝含糖飲料等不良飲食習慣都亟需改善;菸、酒、檳榔及藥物的使用與濫用的情形較以往嚴重,且第一次使用的年齡亦呈現下降趨勢。(二)除了「飲食習慣」和「藥物的使用與混同」高中(職)學生表現得較大專學生來得好外,其他的生活型態兩者問並沒有太大的差別。 (三)由高中(職)與大專學生各項健康生活型態間的關係可以看出:「運動行為」、 「休閒活動」、「飲食習慣」和「藥物的使用與濫用」表現佳的學生在心理壓力方面會有較好的調適;同樣的,「心理壓力調適」表現佳的學生在運動、休閒和飲食方面也會有較好的行為。


The main purpose of the study was to realize the present status of the healthy lifestyle and its related factors among the students in the senior high schools and colleges in Taiwan. The results of the study can be used to plan a health promotion program. A questionnaire was developed and utilized to collect the data. All the students enrolled in the senior high schools and colleges in the 1998 academic year were the population. A multi-stage sampling method was applied to select the sample. The sample size was 1986. Of them, 900 were senior high school students and 1086 college students. The questionnaire yield was 83.1%. The main findings of the study are as follows: (1) The healthy lifestyle patterns of the senior high school and college students, what we concerned most was that those young people did not have regular exercise. The recreational activities were mainly ”watching action” such as watching TV, seeing a movie and listening to the music, etc. Most of the students still handled irritation, sadness or fear by self-repression. They also had to get rid of inadequate eating behavior such as overtaking jungle Toad, night snacks, fires, sweets, beverages, etc. The problems of cigarette, alcohol, betel nuts and drug use and abuse were more serious than ever. The people who use these substances W(;re getting younger. (2) Comparing the healthy lifestyle between the senior high school and college students, there were no differences between them, except eating habits and drug use and abuse. (3) From the relationship in the healthy lifestyle between the senior high school and college students, those who had better exercise behavior, recreational activities, eating behavior and drug use and abuse performed better stress management. On the other hand, those who had better stress management will performed better exercise behavior, recreational activities and eating behavior.


