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Correlation Between Swimming Ability and Regular Exercise Habits Among Students in Taiwan




The purpose of this study was to understand the correlation between swimming ability and regular exercise habits among students in Taiwan. Current five-level swimming ability indicators were included in the analysis to investigate whether the ability level of students is directly and positively associated with the proportion of regular exercise habits. This paper used secondary data analysis to analyze 27,499 samples retrieved from the 2019 Students Participation in All Levels of Education. The results showed that: 1. Nearly 90% of students have learned swimming, 44.1% in elementary schools, 48.7% in junior high schools, 55.3% in senior high schools, and 62.5% in colleges, with swimming ability above three. 2. Cross-analysis indicates that the proportion of regular exercise is higher for those who have learned to swim, and the level of swimming ability of students who have regular exercise habits is also higher than that of irregular exercisers. 3. The result of logistic regression revealed that students with higher swimming ability levels are more inclined to have regular exercise habits. We conclude that students' regular exercise habits are highly correlated with their swimming ability levels, which means that students with high swimming ability levels have a higher proportion of regular exercise habits than students with lower levels. This result can be linked to exercise self-efficacy and continue to explore its correlation. It is suggested that sports policy can continuously cultivate students' swimming ability and establish a sound mechanism to improve the swimming ability level in schools at all levels. In addition, developing objective ability test indicators for various sports is strongly encouraged so that further research will be able to uncover more empirical findings regarding regular exercise habits in different sports.


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