  • 期刊


The Analysis of Child Sexuality Education Issue from Children's Picture Books-“Body Issue”for Example


就幼兒性教育而言,有關「身體」的議題,是幼兒階段性發展與性教育中相當基本的重要元素之一;就幼兒教育而言,對尚示識字,主要經由圖像進行學習的幼兒來說「兒童繪本」(children’s picture book)則是幼兒最早與最容易接觸、影響力最大的書籍。筆者身為性教育及幼兒教育領域之成員,基于個人研究興趣與實務責任,試圖將二者予以結合探討。因此,本文研究方法係采用文獻分析法(literature analysis)及文本分析(text analysis),首先,以文獻分析法從性心理發展、幼兒性好奇、性別角色等相關理論文獻論述,歸納出「幼兒階段之『身體議題』內容」;再使用文本分析法,根據前述內容對適合6歲以下幼兒閱讀,且與身體議題有關之11本市售兒童繪本進行分析,以探討幼兒可以從其中獲得哪些有關身體議題的訊息內容。 經由前述分析探討歷程,本文計有以下之發現: 一、目前國內圖畫市場中的兒童繪本,其內容與身體議題有關的仍相當的少,而且比較偏重在對「性別角色刻板印象」及「俊男美女身體意向」錯誤迷思上的批判;至于其他內容項目(如,身體部位、身體發展、身體清洁、身體隱私與保護)則比較偏向知識性的傳輸,而且在說明上也顯得模糊與簡略。此外,雖然作者對性別刻板印象提出批判與反思,但也應留意是否可能提供了另一種性別角色刻板訊息,在運用兒童繪本時,仍應提供給幼兒多種不同的思考角度與對話空間。 二、我國在此議題之兒童繪本,自1999年以後的近5年內,呈現每年約有2本出版的穩定性,而且在內容描述角度上,也有逐漸走向站在幼兒的立場,為幼兒發聲,同理幼兒的性好奇心理;并且對成人的迷思與霸權提出批判,提醒成人應為自己的性教育責任角色進行反思。這樣的觀點立場無異是為成人與幼兒間的溝通平台開創了更對等的位置,這對幼兒性教育推展來說,亦不啻是一項支持的力量。 三、不可忽略的是,幼兒本身也是一個能主動詮釋與建構的個體,而幼兒究竟能從這些繪本中經驗與詮釋出什麼樣的內容,也應該是成人在應該繪本時要關切的事。


幼兒性教育 身體 兒童繪本


For child sexuality education, the “body” issue is one of the basic but important elements in child sexual development and sexuality education. The child, still illiterate, can learn sexuality education through pictures, so the children’s picture books can be its earliest and easiest learning source. As a teacher on sexuality education and child education, I am trying to bring these two fields into consideration and make a further exploration. Therefore, literature analysis method and text analysis method are adopted in the study. first, inducting the child’s “body issue” from the literature about psychosexual development, child curiosity, and sex role based on literature analysis method; then, through text analysis method exploring the “body issue” messages the child gets from the eleven children’s picture books concerning “body issue” on the current market for under six years old. Through the above process, we come to the conclusions as follows: 1 .Currently, the children’s picture books on ‘body issue’ are very rare and confined to ‘the stereotype of sex role’-as a big myth. These children’s picture books provide messages about bodily(or physical)areas, body development, body cleaning, body privacy and protection-that is basically instructive but a little ambiguous and simple. Furthermore, although the authors of these children’s picture books objectively criticize the stereotype of sex role, they emphases on the contradictive viewpoint, therefore, in applying the children’s picture books, we must provide various viewpoints and an open dialogue space, and carefully try not to fall into another kind of stereotype. 2.Since 1999, there have been two children’s picture books on ‘body issue’ steadily published each year. These books gradually stand on the children’s position, speaking for them, understanding their curiosity about sex and even come to criticize the myth of adults and their dogmatism. It is no doubt that these viewpoints can provide a communication platform between children and adults, which brings a strong support for advocating child sexuality education. 3.Clearly, the child himself is an individual with the abilities of interpreting and thought-building. What the child can learn from the children’s picture books is the key issue for the adult editing these books.


