  • 期刊

成長心態、成就目標與閱讀素養表現相關因素之探討:以PISA 2018臺灣資料為例

Investigation of the Factors Associated with Growth Mindset, Achievement Goals, and Reading Literacy: Take PISA 2018 Taiwan Data for Example


成長心態是指,個體認為人的能力、特質能夠透過努力與學習,達到增長與改變的信念,在美國教育界受到許多關注,然而在國內的研究較少。閱讀素養是學習各領域知識的基礎,也是解決日常問題不可或缺的能力。本研究嘗試探討成長心態與閱讀素養表現的關聯性。研究針對PISA 2018的臺灣資料進行分析,主要分析方法為獨立樣本的差異考驗與多樣本結構方程模式分析。結果顯示,成長心態學生在成就目標、學習活動態度、閱讀樂趣、心理韌性與閱讀素養表現上優於固定心態學生,而對失敗的恐懼程度也比固定心態學生低。此外,多樣本結構方程模式分析結果顯示,二種心態類型在本研究建構的理論模型上之路徑係數大致相同,僅在心理韌性與社經文化地位對閱讀素養的影響有差異。對成長心態學生而言,心理韌性對閱讀素養有正向預測力;但對固定心態學生為負向預測。此外,固定心態學生的閱讀素養表現受社經文化地位影響較大。最後,影響閱讀素養表現的主要因素為閱讀樂趣,其中又以精熟目標影響閱讀樂趣,進而提高閱讀素養表現的效果最為顯著。本研究也提出對未來教學與相關研究上的建議。


Growth mindset is the belief that an individual's abilities and attributes are malleable with effort and learning. It has received a lot of attention in the American education, but there is rare researches in Taiwan. Reading literacy is the foundation for learning and an indispensable ability for solving daily problems. The purpose of this study is to examine the association between growth mindset and reading literacy. The study analyzes the Taiwan data of PISA 2018. The main methods of analysis are independent sample t-test and multi-sample structural equation modeling. Results show that students who possess a growth mindset are better than students who possess a fixed mindset in achievement goals, learning activity attitude, reading enjoyment, resilience and reading literacy. Students who possess a growth mindset are lower than students who possess a fixed mindset in the fear of failure. Further, the results of the multi-sample structural equation modeling show that the path coefficients of the two groups are mostly the same in the theoretical model of this research. The differences are the impact of resilience and socioeconomic and cultural status on reading literacy. For students who possess a growth mindset, resilience has a positive impact for reading literacy; for students who possess a fixed mindset, resilience is a negative predictor. In addition, the reading literacy of students who possess a fixed mindset is greatly influenced by their socioeconomic and cultural status. Finally, the main factor influencing reading literacy is the reading enjoyment. The mastery oriented achievement affects reading enjoyment, which in turn improved reading literacy is the most important. Applications and suggestions were addressed in this research.


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