  • 期刊


Discussion the Learning Needs of the Significance of the Elderly


由於高齡社會已經到來,對於人口老化現象,已深受國際重視此議題,在世界衛生組織(WHO)於2002年提出了《活耀老化:政策架構》,並且倡導活躍老化(active aging)的核心價值,高齡的教育者已經不能再以福利為主來服務,而是應該要把學習納入高齡者的生活一部份,促使高齡者學習受教育,透過理解高齡者的學習需求理論後,將學習需求理論套用在高齡者的教育上面。本研究主要是針對國內外的高齡者的學習需求層面做探討,目的是瞭解國內外高齡者的相關學習需求,提到Maslow提出的需求層次理論意義探討,以及目前最廣為流傳的McClusky理論,McClusky提出的高齡者參與的學習需求分為五大項:分別為:應付需求(coping needs)、表達需求(coping needs)、貢獻需求(contributive needs)、影響需求(influence needs)、自我超越的需求(transcendence needs)。透過這些國內外各個學習需求理論,並且去探討瞭解。


Due to an aging society has come for the aging population, has been well received international attention to this issue, proposed a "dashing Aging: Policy Framework" in 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO), and promote active aging (active aging) Core value, old educators can no longer give priority to welfare services, but should take the study included a part of life of elderly person, elderly person learning to promote education through understanding learning needs of theory after elderly people, will learn demand theory applied to education in elderly people above. This study is mainly aimed at elderly people at home and abroad to learn the level of demand do investigate, the purpose is to understand the elderly person at home and abroad related learning needs, to explore the meaning mentioned Maslow hierarchy of needs theory proposed, and McClusky theory most widely circulated, learning needs McClusky proposed participation of elderly people divided into five items: were: to meet demand (coping needs), express their needs (coping needs), the contribution of demand (contributive needs), affecting demand (influence needs), self-transcendence needs ( transcendence needs). Through these various theoretical learning needs at home and abroad, and to explore understanding.
