  • 期刊

The Politics of the Governed in the Taiwanese Countryside: Community-Led Projects, Reciprocity and Minjian Society



The bottom-up approach for the Taiwanese government has been seen as a strategy to reduce rural depopulation and alleviate unemployment in rural Taiwan. For Foucauldian scholars, the bottom-up project aims to govern rural citizens in accordance with the rules of civil society. However, as Partha Chatterjee noted, civil society is demographically limited and becomes a normative standard that provides the ground for the post-colonial state to intervene in the government of a population. Although Chatterjee's work concentrated on the politics of the governed in postcolonial India, his propositions resonated with postcolonial anthropologists' work, which have opened up new possibilities for understanding subaltern politics in other postcolonial societies in Asia. Taking inspiration from postcolonial scholars, this paper is concerned with how neoliberal self-governing technologies interact with situated elements. With reference to ethnographical fieldwork conducted in a Taiwanese community, Zhulin, this paper points out that rural subjects deal with the community-led project according to the rules of minjian society, such as reciprocity and mutual help. Moreover, I also show the hidden transcript of minjian groups, through which the subaltern class deliberately redirects resources for its own purpose.


近年來,由下而上的社區發展計畫,已經成為臺灣鄉村社區永續發展的主要策略。對於受到傅柯治理術(governmentality)啟發的學者而言,這些政策可以被視為是一種新自由主義治理技術(governmental technologies),其主要目的在於改變鄉村居民的行為,使其更符合「公民社會」的價值模式。然而,正如印度學者Partha Chatterjee所指出那般,在後殖民國家脈絡中,「公民社會」價值及行為模式,並非是放諸四海的準則,而是受限於中產階級社會。雖然Chatterjee的主張來自於於後殖民印度社會的觀察,然而他的研究和近年來人類學者對於庶民政治(subaltern politics)的看法接近,亦開啟了亞洲及其他不同後殖民社會比較研究的可能性。透過後殖民人類學研究的視角,本文主要目的在於了解在地臺灣鄉村居民如何和新自由主義治理技術互動。透過台灣鄉村社區的人類學式田野考察,本文認為鄉村居民的行為模式,乃是鑲嵌於在地「民間社會」,而其主要的準則乃是互惠(reciprocity)及互助(mutual help)。透過對於民間社會運作模式的觀察,本文指出在地鄉村居民以及民間團體,往往會挪用新自由主義治理技術所帶來的各種資源,以達成他們各自設定好的目的。


