  • 期刊


Study on Unconventional Development Materials of Cyanotype process - Taking Rice Paper and Bamboo as Examples




氰版藍曬法 宣紙 竹子 畫意攝影 美學


The first chapter of the article will explain that the purpose of this study is to use traditional manual development methods to try to develop photography on unconventional carriers such as Chinese rice paper and bamboo. In addition to expanding the scope of photography, it is also necessary to understand photography. The techniques of painting and developing in ink and wash, how to combine in the products of different cultures, present a visual effect similar to pictorialism. The second chapter discusses the analysis of cyanotype process, as well as rice paper and bamboo properties, and attempts to explore the impact of photography on viewers from aesthetics and sociological perspective. In this study, the common traditional development vectors are skipped, and the related literatures can be referred to. Therefore, the research methods will be completed by experimental methods and discussed in the third chapter research methods. If the research and results can be completed, the finished products will be selected, and a public exhibition of photography exhibitions will be held. The results and analysis of the production will be explained in the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter is the conclusions and recommendations, and the appendix at the end of the article is related to exhibitions and other relevant materials.


Cyanotype process Rice paper Bamboo Pictorialism Aesthetics
