  • 學位論文

運用先進工法解決高科技廠房建廠所面臨問題之研究 - 以晶圓廠為例

Applying Advanced Techniques to Resolving Problems Faced in High-Tech Plant Construction - A Case Study of Fabs

指導教授 : 陳柏翰
共同指導教授 : 曾惠斌(Hui-Ping Tserng)


近年來,台灣高科技產業蓬勃發展,不管其產值、出口值及雇用員工人數,占整體製造業的比重均大幅攀升,成為台灣經濟成長的主要動力,更是出口的主力產業;尤其以半導體產業其影響更甚。因此,高科技的興衰攸關台灣產業競爭力、經濟成長、以及未來台灣經濟發展能否更上一層樓的重要關鍵。 然而半導體產業最近幾年建廠速度快速成長,其中又以台積電的建廠速度量體最大,五年之中興建九座FAB廠;然民間住宅案與政府的公共建設所需營造之工種又與科技廠房之興建所重疊,造成現今所面臨嚴重缺工的問題,再加上工人總數一年比一年少,且要徑之技術工年華老去工率日漸降低,及目前的建廠規模也比以往來的還要大,且建廠的工期也一直被壓縮;這是目前科技廠房建廠所面臨的主要問題。 為了解決上述高科技廠房建廠所面臨之問題,就必須在管理及工法上加以改變,尋找出可以省工或利用不同工種的先進工法,例如預鑄工程、預組鋼筋籠、鋼模、鋁模與BIM之運用等。這是目前建廠土建部分所常見與未來尋求改善問題的一個方向。 本次研究之方向,為針對近年來晶圓廠之建廠所面臨的問題,如何利用所執行過的實務經驗,及其改善之成效,加以說明與檢討,尋求日後建廠所面臨問題的解決策略,期望能給予科技廠房建廠施工,提供更良好之工法。


科技廠房 缺工 先進工法


Taiwan’s high-tech industry is booming in recent years, no matter in output value, GDP contribute level, and number of employees; the industry has led other manufacturing sectors and started to dominant Taiwan’s manufacturing industry or even the whole island’s economy. In this strong growth, the semiconductor section takes an important role in directly influencing whether the country's competitiveness and GDP growth. The semiconductor foundry industry has aspiring expanding their plant, especially TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) which increase nine factories in recent five years. However, the workforce market has several problems including less new force involved, aging technical workers, labor’s highly overlapping with private building and public construction projects. Moreover, the larger scales of factory projects lead the project period to be compressed and difficulty dramatize increase. In order to overcome those problems, the management system and advanced techniques need to involve labor-saving ways, for example, precasting, precasting rebar, pre-assembly for iron formwork, building information modeling, etc. Those solutions are all common methods for reducing the effect of labor shortage. This report will discover foundry construction project facing problems in these years, and the solution which already realized in the real project. Discuss each solution and do the analysis of effects, to provide the further foundry project participator better methods to complete the project.


2.李宗軒,「高科技半導體廠之地上工程」,土木水利會刊 64卷6期,中華民國108年12月。
