  • 學位論文

職業災害上肢骨折個案研究 一、影響職業災害上肢骨折勞工復工相關因素之探討 二、影響職業災害上肢骨折勞工生活品質相關因素之探討

1.Factors Affecting Return to Work of Upper Limb Fracture Workers 2.Factors Affecting Quality of Life of Upper Limb Fracture Workers

指導教授 : 王榮德
共同指導教授 : 杜宗禮(Chung-Li Du)


一、影響職業災害上肢骨折勞工復工相關因素之探討 本研究利用追蹤的方式,以了解哪些因素會影響到職業災害上肢骨折勞工的復工及其復工天數,希能利用研究結果幫助勞工順利復工。研究對象是由勞保局92年8月1日至10月3日職災住院資料中篩選出在92年7月15日至9月20日發生上肢骨折職業災害的勞工。利用電話訪問的方式,在其受傷後45天左右訪問第一次,90天左右訪問第二次,受傷六個月後訪問第三次,以了解職業災害上肢骨折勞工的基本資料、醫療情形、社會支持、生理及工作狀況。並以Multiple logistic regression及Cox regression分析何因子會影響到上肢骨折勞工的復工及其復工天數。結果共得110份問卷,初訪成必v為54%,將此110人收納為研究對象追蹤六個月,至第三次追蹤成左怓


1.Factors Affecting Return to Work of Upper Limb Fracture Workers This is a prospective study, and we tried to understand what factors will affect returning to work (RTW) of upper limb fracture workers. We collected data from Bureau of Labor Insurance of those with occupational injury causing upper limb fracture and being hospitalized (from July 15, 2003 to September 20, 2003). Questionnaires concerning RTW were applied and filled up by researcher through telephone interview. We have followed up each case at 45days, 90 days and 180 days from their injury respectively. Multiple logistic regression and Cox regression to analyse factors affecting RTW and duration required for RTW were executed. There were 110 workers recruited by the first interview (response rate 54 %) and 102 workers (93 %) were successfully followed up throughout three times of interview. The results show the significant factors (p<0.05) affecting RTW are fracture site, with fixed employer and self- perceived workability. The factors affecting duration required for RTW are gender, age, major income source of family, fracture site, self-perceived handicap, whether paid after injury, work as blue or white collar, days of hospitalization. We concluded that when occupational injury occurred, workers should be sent to hospital as soon as possible, and proper compensation and functional capacity evaluation should be provided, which would be helpful for protecting these victimized workers. We also have to pay attention to the workers without fixed employer because of poor occupational support. 2.Factors Affecting Quality of Life of Upper Limb Fracture Workers This is a prospective study, and we tried to understand what factors will affect Quality of life (QOL) of upper limb fracture workers. We collected data from Bureau of Labor insurance of those with occupational injury causing upper limb fracture and being hospitalized (from July 15, 2003 to September 20, 2003). Questionnaires concerning RTW and QOL were applied and filled up by researcher through telephone interview. We have followed up each case at 45days, 90 days and 180 days from their injury respectively. paired t-test and multiple liner regression model to analyse the change between two QOL and what factors will affect their QOL were executed. There were 110 workers recruited by the first interview (response rate 54 %) and 90 workers (82 %) were successfully followed up throughout two times of interview. The results show that there are significant changes between the two QOL tests in each domain and facet excepting social support, sexual activity, freedom, physical safety and security, home environment, opportunities for acquiring new information and skills, physical environment (pollution / noise / traffic / climate), and changes in pain and discomfort, negative feelings, dependence on medicinal substances and medical aids are negative. The duration required of RTW is the most important factor affecting QOL, and the type of work is a important predictor for QOL.


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