  • 學位論文


A Study of Subcontract Management Mechanism in Construction Industry

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


國內各營造廠之分包管理經營現況,係透過分包規劃、預算編制、分包採購流程、分包商遴選及考核和分包商契約規範等作業制度,由專業分包廠商及材料供應商分別負責工程施作及材料供應,故營造廠與專業分包廠商及材料供應商之間的關係是非常密切,且深深影響著整個專案工程的工期、品質、成本,然分包管理於專案執行過程中的人、機、料等經常因各種因素而產生問題。本研究之目的係探討瞭解營造廠與分包商於專案工地執行中,經常發生之人機料問題,並建立問題因應對策模式,最終透過培養或雙方進行合作之觀點進行探討,藉以調整現行分包機制並建構出可行之合作機制。 本研究主要採用「文獻回顧」、「實務經驗與訪談」及「調查統計驗證」等三種方法進行現況問題綜整、相關對策之類別建立及各對策之研究分析與發展。研究發現透過培養或雙方進行合作之觀點,進行選擇優良分包商、長期培養分包商、施工機具買斷分包商附條件買回(買斷附條件買回)及大宗材料供應商策略聯盟等四個策略,若成功的被運用於營造廠端,可有利營造廠之工期順暢及成本降低,創造競爭優勢,提昇整體企業的競爭力,且本研究之大部份調查統計資料顯示,上述營造業的四個主要執行策略於分包商端是可被高度接受的,此部份研究結論可提供給營造廠及分包商作為未來實務上執行參考。 研究建議在買斷附條件買回交易模式之執行策略部份,後續研究可從分包商端加以分析研討,而生產策略聯盟模式可針對生產損耗量計算部份,明定合理計算之方法或程式,以提高該策略應用於實務上之機會,降低策略執行問題,創造營造廠與分包商雙贏及更優質的營造產業生存環境。


Current subcontract management practices adopted in Taiwan by construction companies, which act as general contractors in construction projects, include subcontracting planning, budgeting and procurement, subcontractor selection and evaluation, and subcontractor contracting. General contractors depend on professional subcontractors for construction work and material supply; hence, the relationship between them is close and profoundly affects a project’s progress, quality and cost. However, issues on labor, equipment and material in subcontract management usually occur during project execution phase due to many causes. This research aims to discover and discuss the labor, equipment and material issues between general contractors and subcontractors and, from the viewpoint of collaboration between both parties, to develop a mechanism and strategies for dealing with the issues. This research adopts literature review, interviews with experts, questionnaire survey and statistical analysis as the major research methodologies to collect subcontracting issues in the industry, to establish the categories for relevant strategies, and to analyze and develop the strategies. The research result suggests that four strategies, i.e. good subcontractor selection, subcontractor long-term training, repurchase agreement for construction equipment, and strategic alliance for production with bulk material suppliers, would be beneficial to keep progress smooth and reduce cost for general contractors if applied to construction companies successfully. In addition, the questionnaire survey result shows that most subcontractors accept the developed strategies to be applied in the practice. Construction companies as general contractors and subcontractors can refer to this research conclusion for their subcontracting planning in the future. Future research can be focused on repurchase agreement and strategic alliance for production. For the former, one can further analyze how the strategy can be applied from subcontractors’ viewpoint; for the latter, one can study the issue on production loss for the strategic alliance model and determine an approach to calculate the loss rate. By further researching into these strategies, the author believes that the problems encountered when the strategies are applied to real projects can be reduced; a win-win situation for construction companies and subcontractors can be created; and a better construction industry environment can be achieved.


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