  • 學位論文


The Study of Substitute Military Service System in Taiwan,1992-2012

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本文以歷史結構的因果脈絡為時間軸來觀察、解釋及分析不同時期替代役制度的動態發展及所隱含的意義,並自1992年迄今區分為「替代役政策的形成,1992-1998」、「替代役制度的運作,1998-2005」以及「替代役制度的修正,2005-2012」等三個階段,依序探討替代役制度從無到有及其變遷過程中,制度所隱含的偏差動員及相關行為者(民間社會、國家機關)如何運用其不同稟賦,進行偏差動員促成替代役制度的變遷進行論述,並期透過研究發現,彰顯替代役制度功能,俾有效協助我國兵役制度在「徵兵制」與「募兵制」過渡期間的順利轉型。 尤其替代役制度係鑲嵌於兵役制度中,隨著國軍「精實案」、「精進案」及「精粹案」等軍事事務革新進程,在義務役役期不斷縮減及逐年調整義務役與志願役官兵比率政策下,我國將自2015年開始全面實施「募兵制」,配合兵役制度的轉型,替代役制度在歷史脈絡及相關行為者互動關係下亦不斷調整演進,值此制度動態變遷時刻,重新檢視制度問題,確定替代役的價值以建立全新的替代役文化,對制度將走向變遷或終結當饒具意義。 歸結本文研究發現,並提出對替代役制度的近程建議為:1.需用機關應重新檢視人力資源問題。2.主管機關應規劃完善配套措施因應募兵制「過渡期間」替代役人力激增問題。3.落實替代役備役召集機制以發揮社會服務功能;遠程建議為:1.評估規劃以提升社會福利為主的短期替代役制度可行性。2.在募兵制推動順利且各項條件完備下停止替代役人力供給。有關以上近程及遠程建議意見,希能提供未來替代役制度發展之參考。


The study is conducted with historical structure of the causal context timeline. The purpose of the study is to observe, interpret and analyze the different periods of Substitute Military Service system development and implication thereof. Since 1992, the government has divided into three stages including “The formation of Substitute Military Service 1992 – 1998”, “The Operation of Substitute Military Service 1998 – 2005” and “The amendment of Substitute Military Service 2005 – 2012”. This paper is to explore Substitute Military Service system from scratch and change processes thereof. The system is also implied by mobilization of bias and relevant actors or group (civil society, national authorities) in how to utilize different endowments to contribute the mobilization of bias, and encourage the formation of Substitute Military Service. From the research also discovered the highlight functions of Substitute Military Service, also the aim of effectively assist and play an important role in the transition period of our national military service between “Conscription” and “Volunteer Force”. In particular, the Substitute Military Service system is embedded in the national military service system, with the “Armed Forces Refining Program (Jing- Shih Program)”, “Jingjin Program” and “Jing-Ts’ui program” processes of innovation. The length of civilian service has been reduced year by year in order to adjust the population ratio of compulsory military officers and volunteer officers. From 2015, Taiwan will fully implement “Volunteer Force” to cooperate with military service system transformation. Constantly adjust to the evolution of Substitute Military Service system in historical context and relevant actors or group in between of interactions. In contrast, the system dynamic changes to re-examine the problems and determine the value from Substitute Military Service, as well as to create a new culture of Substitute Military Service, thus, this system will move toward a whole new alteration or discontinue with a meaningful ending. Major conclusions of this study has founded with short term recommendations for Substitute Military Service: 1. Required authorities should re-examine the human resource issues. 2. The competent authorities should plan to improve supporting measurement of volunteer force, in order to solve number of increasing on Substitute Military Service during the "transition period". 3. The implementation convened mechanism of Substitute Military Service to play a social service functions. And long term recommendations are: 1. Evaluate the feasibility and plan to enhance the social welfare for short period of Substitute Military Service. 2. Stop supply Substitute Military Service after volunteer force has fully implemented and promoted with all conditions. From all short term and long term recommendations above, this paper concludes with those recommendations will provide as references for future system development in Substitute Military Service area.




