  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumers' Perceptions of Food Additives and Willingness to Pay for Clean Label Food Products- A Case Study of Dried Tofu

指導教授 : 王宏文


由於近年台灣食安問題頻傳,消費者選購型態改變,以健康、安全為主的天然食品為優先選擇,並抗拒過多的化學添加物;世界各地近年來亦轉向天然有機的食物風氣,厭惡食品添加物。在此情況下,「潔淨標章」於歐洲興起,以此標章來辨識添加物的多寡,我國目前亦有部分廠商加入潔淨標章行列,計畫應用於旗下產品。   本研究以添加物較少的包裝豆乾為例,透過問卷調查法探討我國消費者對於基因改造黃豆與添加物的既有認知、接著進行教育訓練,而後探討受訪者是否在訓練後有改變及其願付添加物較少的豆乾之價格,最後探討前測、後測與願付價格是否與受訪者的性別、年紀、婚姻、教育程度、收入有關,並作為引入潔淨標章、改善食安政策之參考。   研究顯示,發現多數消費者在教育前已有食安意識,對於添加物有所警戒、抗拒購買基因改造豆乾及含有添加物的豆乾,且在選購產品時以標章制度為優先考量;而在教育訓練後,多數消費者願意以高出目前豆乾市價來購買添加物較少的潔淨產品,其中大多與性別、年紀相關,與收入無關聯。   故本研究建議當前食安意識抬頭,消費者重視食品添加物與已有標章意識的情況下,潔淨標章有其市場需求,除加強稽核與改善產業技術外,亦可由政府主導引入,以滿足人民的需要;同時亦可藉此改善我國食品產業,減少食安事件,並與國際接軌。


With the increase in health awareness and food safety scandals, food safety issue is one of people most concerned topics, which warrant further investigation. Health and safety become consumer priority choice, and they resistant food additives in Taiwan.On the other hand, many countries consumers also dislike food additives, turn to be choose more organic and natural food. Under this circumstance, clean label spring up and rise in Europe, using clean label to understand how many kinds of food additives contain in product, then help them choose less food additive product. As the same time, some company in Taiwan also plan to use this label on their product in the future. Here we study on packed dried tofu and use questionnaire to look for the relative between dried tofu and consumer varibel and willing price of less food additives product, and then analyze the possibility of introducing clean label in Taiwan. Through interview consumers and use stastistic method, we found out that most of consumers dislike food additive product, they would rather pay more money in order to purchase organic and natural food product. Also, we found out that consumer society variable affect consumer behavior, knowledge and how much they want to pay, such as gender and ages is mainly variable.use statistics method. In the end, we proposed many practical suggestions regarding production and management in hopes to make a lasting positive impact and rebuild the reputation of Taiwan’s food industry.


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