  • 學位論文

東海岸原住民的漂流木技藝 ─ 一個學徒的經驗研究

Driftwood Craft of Aborigine in the East Coast of Taiwan ─A Study of Being an Apprentice

指導教授 : 劉可強


本論文關注1990年以來東海岸原住民運用漂流木發展之「漂流木」技藝。背景脈絡包含:東海岸漂流木相對於西部海岸較常發生,原住民回鄉與缺乏就業機會之現象,漂流木藝術發展等。筆者透過學徒制方式,參與師父之工作以練習基本技術,在創作漂流木作品過程中,學習漂流木技藝。 漂流木所具有的樹木形式與漂流之痕跡呈現其豐富的生命歷程,因此創作者是以一種賦予其新生命之心情與概念進行創作,此為漂流木技藝之核心概念。 漂流木技藝實踐可以區分為兩個階段,一為從海岸環境中取得漂流木,一則是將材料製作成作品。取材之技藝包:含1.辨識、2.裁切、3.搬運。製作之技藝包含:1.取料整形、2.砂磨、3.組裝修飾等。技藝的施展過程中運用大量的身體感官、知覺等;技藝的實踐則倚賴鏈鋸、砂輪機、鑿刀等手持工具。 漂流木技藝之存在體現於三個面向,一為「社會性文化脈絡」如當代原住民藝術,東海岸觀光發展,在地文化發展,林務局木雕競賽等。其次為「商品銷售脈絡」如寄賣、擺攤、接單、訂作等方式。此外則透過「互助幫工網絡」,創作者彼此支援,協力工作。


漂流木 技藝 東海岸 原住民


This research focuses on the craft of driftwood in the east coast of Taiwan which has been developed by aborigine since 1990s. It follows the three major contexts. Firstly, compared with the west coast, driftwood occurs more often in the in the east coast. Secondly, it concerns the returning-home aboriginals facing lack of employment. Finally, it is connected to the evolution of driftwood art. Apprenticeship is the way to learn driftwood craft. Becoming an apprentice of the driftwood master, author was involved in the works of driftwood master and practiced the basic techniques. Via the individual creating procedure, author learned the special craft of driftwood. Tree forms and drifting scars of the driftwood show its great life history. Therefore driftwood craftsmen create in a state of giving materials new life. It is the core concept of driftwood craft creation. Driftwood craft divides into two sequential-technique phases, from getting driftwood materials in coast environment to making driftwood into creations. The getting includes: 1) recognition, 2) cutting, and 3) carrying. The making includes: 1) taking and trimming, 2) sanding and 3) forming and polishing. In the process of executing driftwood techniques, numerous body sensations are used by the craftsmen. The driftwood craft is implemented via portable tools such as chain saw, sander, and chisels. According to the driftwood craftsman’s career and livelihood, author discusses three dimensions through which the craft is sustained have. One is the factor of social culture involving the aboriginal art, the blooming east coast tourism, developing local culture and the wood carving contest held by the forest bureau. Another one is the factor of commercial activities which may be taken such as consignment, operating stalls or making to order. Last but not least, the craftsmen help each other via the network of mutual collaboration working together when others get projects.


driftwood craft east coast of Taiwan aborigine


王俊明、李心平等、李鎮鍵、臧運忠、謝正倫( 2010)莫拉克颱風災害綜覽。中華防災學刊,2(1):27-34


