  • 學位論文


Efficiencies Evaluation of Colleges of Business and Graduates: Three Stage Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 傅祖壇


本研究主要評估台灣各大學商學院的表現。主要概念是以學生進入學校後到就業之時,學校對於畢業生的薪資有如何的幫助,也就是要衡量學校所帶給每位學生的附加價值。此外,本研究也將探討學生在整體比較之下的無效率是來自於學校方面或是學生本身。本研究利用2004年教育部卓越計畫之問卷調查資料進行分析。 本研究的實證方法上將採用三種方式:以個體資料進行拆解以及以校級資料來進行三階段資料包絡分析法的估計,另外為多層次模型。變數方面則使用大學入學成績、薪資變數以及個人特徵的性別、學歷及工作年資等。由於利用三階段資料包絡分析法主要是估計出各學校的包含附加價值概念之效率值,而多層次分析法則是直接估計出學校的附加價值,則比較的重點在於學校間排名上的差異性。 個人特質的變數上,不論是性別、學歷或工作年資都會帶給薪資變數正向且顯著的影響,此結果與在就業市場上觀察到的現象一致。以資料包絡分析法估計出來的學校的效率值排名上面,公立學校平均而言比私立學校表現來的要好,但就個別學校來看公立學校並不是完全排名在私立學校之前。由個體資料進行的資料包絡分析法由於進行拆解過程,可以了解到學生在整體比較下的效率情形是來自於學生本身,而非學校。以多層次模型分析法估計出來的學校附加價值方面,結果與資料包絡分析法的結果類似,公立學校平均而言比私立學校表現來的要好,但就個別學校來看公立學校並不是完全排名在私立學校之前。此外從結果可以看出學校對於兩種薪資變數的影響力不同,顯示在畢業後工作一段時間之後,學校對於薪資變數的影響會減少。最後,本文根據實證結果給予欲進入大學的學生及其家長以及教育當局一些建議。


This study concerns mainly about the performance of business colleges in Taiwan. The main idea is to measure the influence of schools on every student’s wage, in other words, to measure the value-added part of schools. In addition, this study also concerns that when comparing every student, the source of inefficiency is from school or students within. This data mainly comes from the questionnaires of exceptional plan of the ministry of education in 2004. There three ways to do the empirical part: Three Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (Three Stage DEA) of decomposition of individual-level data and school-level data and Multilevel Modeling (MLM). Variables include JCEE (Joint College Entrance Examination) scores, wages and characteristic variables: gender, degree and years of working. Three Stage DEA mainly estimates the efficiencies including the concept of value-added, and MLM directly estimate the very value of value-added. The comparison between these two method focuses on the difference of the rankings. On individual characteristic variables, gender, degree and years of working all have significant and positive influence on wages. This phenomenon is consistent with the observation on the job market. About the estimation on DEA, performance of public schools is better than private school on average, however, the ranking of public schools is not necessary better than private schools respectively. Since Individual-level DEA includes a process of decomposition, when comparing every student, the source of inefficiency is mainly from students themselves, not from schools. On the other hand, MLM estimates the value-added part from each school. The result is similar to DEA. On average, performance of public schools is better than private schools, however, the ranking of public schools is not necessary better than private schools respectively. Moreover, schools influent on two kinds of wage variables differently, which means after graduation, the influence from schools would decrease. Finally, this study provides several suggestions based on the empirical results for students who are willing to attend college, their parents and educational authorities.


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