  • 學位論文


The Key Problems and Improvement Measures of ERP Work Management Systems Used by Construction Companies–Lessons Learned from Dacin construction company

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


近年來台灣甲級營造廠為了加強營建管理能力提升競爭力,利用導入企業資源規劃(ERP)之資訊系統來整合公司內部資源,讓經營階層能輕易管理、追蹤及控制整個專案工程的執行。實務上透過導入ERP系統,希望能整合企業內部經營管理資訊系統,同時提供業主、客戶、建築師,在銷售、工程規劃、施工與售後服務等即時完整的客戶服務,達到降低工程成本、提升競爭力的目標。然而導入之ERP系統多為配合製造業所開發之軟體系統,對於營造業生產循環中影響獲利最重要之工務管理系統,均需要透過客製化開發才能完成;導入後之工務管理系統模組功能及效益,是否如預期所要達成的效益,是本研究所要深入探討的議題。 本研究以個案研究方式,探討營造廠在導入ERP工務系統時,導入動機及目的、導入系統過程及系統上線後情況,針對個案公司進行資料收集、分析、比對以及對高階主管、資訊部主管、導入專案小組成員、工務部門人員深入訪談,以有系統之方法對研究對象之背景、發展、現況、執行過程、關鍵問題等,作深入的探討分析,提出營造廠導入ERP工務管理系統所遭遇之關鍵影響因素並提出可行之因應策略,以作為營造產業之借鏡。 在營造環境日益艱困、營建工程日益複雜化大型化下,不斷的透過資訊化改善內部管理流程、提升競爭力,將是未來營造產業一條必定要繼續往下走的路。本研究之成果,期望能提供營造業導入ERP工務系統時良好的參考,避免導入過程中不必要的時間及成本支出。並提供: 1.營造廠導入ERP工務管理系統之關鍵問題及改善策略。 2.實務面上其他公司導入ERP工務管理系統之參考。 3.資訊軟體廠商調整研發方向及行銷策略的依據。


In recent years, in order to strengthen building management capacity and enhance competitiveness, Grade A construction companies in Taiwan have made use of information systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) to integrate their company's internal resources. This allows operators to easily manage, track and control the execution of entire engineering projects. Through the practical use of ERP systems, companies hope to integrate internal management information systems while at the same time providing owners, clients and architects with sales, project planning, construction, after-sales service, and complete customer service, in order to reach the goals of reducing project costs and improving competitiveness. However, these ERP systems for the most part are software systems developed in coordination with the construction industry. The works management system, which most importantly affects profitability in the construction industry production cycle, has to be completed through bespoke development. Thus the topic of this in-depth study is whether the features and benefits of works management system modules can achieve effectiveness. By means of the case study method, this study explores the motive and purpose behind implementation, the process of implementing an ERP system, as well as the effects when a construction company implements an ERP works management system. The case company was used data collection, analysis, comparison, and for in-depth interviews with executives, the IT department head, members of the ad-hoc implementation group, and the works department staff. A systematic method was used for in-depth exploration and analysis of the case subject’s background, development, current situation, the implementation process, and the key issues. The key influential factors encountered when a construction company implements an ERP works management system and feasible coping strategies are proposed in order to provide a reference for the construction industry. In an increasingly difficult construction environment, where construction projects are becoming increasing complex and larger in size, information technology can help to continuously improve internal management processes and enhance competitiveness. In the future, this is the road that the construction industry must continue to go down. The results of this study are expected to provide a solid reference for the construction industry when adopting ERP work management systems, so as to avoid wasting time and costs during the implementation process. This study provides: 1.Key issues and improvement strategies for construction companies implementing ERP work management systems. 2.Practical reference for other companies implementing ERP works management systems. 3.Grounds for information software manufacturers to adjust the direction of research and development and marketing strategies.


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