  • 學位論文


Consumer's Purchase Behavior and Willingness to Pay for Organic Pork in Taiwan's Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙
共同指導教授 : 孫立群(Lih-Chyun Sun)


在消費者食品安全意識越來越高漲的年代,對於食物的要求漸漸從「買得便宜」進入到「吃得安全健康」,成為有機農業發展之商機。台灣對有機食農產品的研究多數集中於有機蔬菜與水果方面,關於有機畜產的研究甚少,但豬肉是台灣民眾主要消費的肉品,若要探討台灣對有機肉品之消費意向,則豬肉產品最具代表性,因此本研究主要目的在於探討消費者對有機豬肉之購買行為與願付價值。本研究利用問卷調查方式取得資料,再以集群分析、市場區隔分析及選擇模型對有機豬肉之購買意願與願付價格進行分析。 實證結果發現,「多元並重」和「重視新鮮健康與廣告訊息」之消費者對於有機豬肉有較高的購買意願,而有機豬肉宜以生鮮超市通路販售為主。此外本研究亦發現相關廠商在行銷時必須拿出具體證明,以提高消費者對有機豬肉之接受度;另外,消費者對有機腹脅豬肉的願付價格較一般腹脅豬肉每100公克高6.116元;而消費者對有機肩胛豬肉的願付價格較一般肩胛豬肉高出0.716元,且消費者對於溫體豬肉亦有較高之願付價格。


The consumers’ awareness of food safety made the food purchase preference switch from“buy cheap”to“buy safe”, which in turns creates the business opportunity for organic products. Most of the previous studies related to consumers preferences of organic products focus mainly on vegetables or fruits. Few of them investigate the consumers preference of organic meat products. Due to the importance of pork consumption in Taiwan, we try to investigate the pig meat consumption if we want to realize the organic meat consumption behavior. A survey was conducted in this research to get the raw data of consumers preference of organic pork. Cluster analysis, market segmentation model and choice model are applied in the study to investigate the consumers’ purchase intention and willingness to pay for organic pork. Our findings suggest that the consumers who are emphasizing on fresh, healthy, price, and advertisement and there who are emphasizing on fresh, healthy and advertisement have higher willingness to pay for organic pork. Supermarket is a better marketing channel for organic pork. Furthermore, it turns out that the willingness to pay for organic pork is three percent to thirty percent higher than the conventional pork products.


A. Krystallis , I. Arvanitoyannis & G. Chryssohoidis (2006) Is There a Real Difference Between Conventional and Organic Meat? Investigating Consumers' Attitudes Towards Both Meat Types as an Indicator of Organic Meat's Market Potential, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 12:2, 47-78.
Ayooth Yooyen, and Nisachon Leerattanakorn, 2012.“Discovering Niche Market: Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Organic Pork,” Chinese Business Review, March 2012, 11(3), P251-264.


