  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Contract Farming on Revenue of Broiler Farms

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙 劉鋼


摘要 台灣在2002年加入了世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,以下簡稱WTO)之後,白肉雞產業歷經五年的雞肉進口配額,到現在的全面開放,使得冷凍雞肉的進口量逐年上升,2020年時已超越國產生鮮肉品量,因此進口取代國產的趨勢,似乎無法停歇;而國內肉雞產業產銷環節中仍存在成本過高的問題,由於白色肉雞產業,生產者多與大型企業契約,養殖雞農的獲利如何獲得保障,如何爭取到合理化的利潤攸關產業的發展。 白肉雞合約制度源自於傳統市場的活禽買賣,雞販於前一日至雞場抓取隔日需販售的活禽,隨著銷量上升與電宰自動化引進後,白肉雞與肉用土雞進入了全面電宰,政府從嚴把關生產流程、肉品屠宰、產品溯源、用藥安全等環節,在企業配合之下,提升飼料換肉率、育成率及推動設備的更新,建立了飼料、雞農、電宰三方合作制度,衍生出契約養殖制度。 目前契約養殖的契約內容多元,本研究主要目地在於以屏東某W畜牧場為例,進行分析肉雞業者不同契約下之獲利分析,並以不同養殖成績,不同飼養契約作為敏感性分析,檢視養殖業者在不同的價格決定過程中找到先後次序與收益影響關係,作為白肉雞產業同業與整體供應鏈之參考。 關鍵詞:產銷契約、敏感性分析、利潤、白色肉雞產業、農家收益


After Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, Tariff on frozen chicken is lifted after limited importation in five years. In 2020, the import volume of frozen chicken is equivalent to that of domestic fresh chicken. It seems that it cannot stop the trend imports replace that domestic production. There is still a problem that the domestic production faces high costs. The bey bottle neck was on the weak profit of farmers and the threats of large enterprises. Also, it needs a withdrawal mechanism when the farmer loses profits. With the rise of food safety issues and consumer awareness, white broiler chickens and colorful broilers have entered 100% electric slaughter. Consumers are concerned about food health and product traceability. At the same time, pollution problem issue worsened impact on the livestock system in Taiwan. Government strictly controls the production process, meat slaughtering, product traceability, drug safety, and other links, alone with the cooperation of enterprises, both public and private sector improving feed meat efficiency rate and breeding rate and promoting the renewal of equipment, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of meat industry in Taiwan. The main purpose of this research is to take W livestock Farm in Pingtung as an example to analyze the profitability of different contracts with broiler companies. It use different breeding scales and managements, to identify the sequence of influence on revenue through the process of price determination. Keywords: contracts farming ,sensitivity analysis, profitability, white broiler industry,farm revenue


