  • 學位論文

兩岸人民關係條例高科技人員赴陸任職之研究 ─對國人赴陸工作權與國家安全之衡平性分析

A Study on Regulation of Taiwanese High-tech Sector Workers under the Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area: Analyzing the Balance between Labor Rights and National Security

指導教授 : 陳明通


《兩岸人民關係條例》乃為因應1992年「國家統一綱領」所設定的一國兩區意涵,此法規設計為兩岸人民往來之權利義務關係提供了制度性的規範,尤其為保障台灣地區人民之利益不會受到損害。其中,第三十三條為規範我國人民大大陸地區任職之管制性規定,依其內容可分為原則開放、例外禁止及審查許可之管制類型。但兩岸條例§33(3)2中對許可制的職業管制項目至今仍未公布,但依此法規之規劃方向,大致可分為對公務人員、經貿人員、教育界人士、高科技人員和其他類人員之管理。 高科技產業為我國1980年代後政府積極扶植的重點發展產業,其亦在各相關產業的努力發展下締造我國經濟發展的良好成績,並成為我國主要之出口項目;惟中國大陸改革開放後,亦已開始將其產業發展之重點轉移到高科技產業的開發上,故對於其所缺乏的技術和人才大力的展開招攬的動作。由於中國大陸的經濟發展很大部分是來自台商的投資,而其高科技產業的發展亦欲尋求依照我國的發展模式,故近十年來頻繁地對於我國特定高科技領域人才施以重金挖角動作,希望藉由其管理經驗,以及高科技人才本身所擁有的相關技術和知識,幫助中國大陸晉升到能夠對高科技產業作獨立研發和創造。 面對中國大陸高科技產業的發展,以及國際間對於高科技等知識經濟產業的重視,當我國面臨到人才、資金及技術不斷流失到對岸的景況,是否會對國家安全造成侵害,而損害到國家尋求穩定和發展的國家利益?然而若以先前由兩岸條例第三十三條所授權對高科技產業人員到大陸地區任職的管制草案,卻可能損害到人民基本權中的工作選擇自由。故「國家安全」與「人民工作權」兩者應如何權衡,才能讓國家與人民利益皆有保障,或至少將損害降至最低;本研究欲透過管制理論及相關行政法原理原則,探討管制之必要性及尋求兩者間的衡平性。


Act Governing Relations between peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area was set to correspond with the Guidelines for National Unification in 1992. The Act has provided an institutional regulation to rights and obligations of peoples commuting between the Taiwan and the Mainland areas. Moreover, the Act especially manages to protect Taiwanese people’s interests from being disadvantaged. The provision of article 33 of this Act regulates Taiwanese people getting employed in the Mainland area. In terms of the regulating content, the article 33 can be defined as three domains: the first is to open to access in general; the second is prohibition to access in exceptional; and the third is to get permission to access for some career types. However, in the paragraph 3 (2) of article 33, the specific description of the career types in third domain has not been announced yet. Presumably, according to the perspective of regulation-makers, the career types can be categorized as public servants, merchants, teaching personnel, high-technology personnel and others. High-tech industry has been considered as important development and actively nurtured by the Taiwanese government since 1980’s. Due to the growth of high-tech industry and diligent work, the relevant high-tech companies also have helped reaching prosperity from knowledge-based economy. Besides, the high-tech products have become the principal exporting items. On the other hand, Mainland China has shifted her developing focus to high-tech industry in the Reform and Opening-up policy; therefore, Mainland China started to recruit a great amount of labor capital and techniques that she was short of. Because the investment from Taiwanese merchants fostered PRC’s economic development, PRC intends to mimic Taiwan’s successful high-tech development experience. As a result, PRC has patronized and recruited Taiwanese high-tech personnel so as to utilize their administration experience, high-tech technique and knowledge to help build up independent high-tech R&D ability for PRC in recent years. Given the difficulties including PRC’s high-tech industry development and increasing values of high-tech industry within the international system, will Taiwan’s loss of people, capital, and technique damage Taiwan’s national security and interests? Yet, the high-tech people regulation draft authorized from article 33 of Act Governing Relations between peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area may tort the freedom of employment choices. Under the circumstances, this thesis mainly addresses the question of striking a balance between “National Security” and “People’s Work Rights”; thus protecting nations and people’s interests simultaneously or at least minimizing the impairment. In conclusion, the thesis focuses on researching the necessity of regulation and the balance between “National Security” and “People’s Work Rights” by employing the principles of administrative law and regulation theory.


張聖怡,〈科技研發人員研究保護之探討〉,《科技法律透析》,2000 年10 月,頁28-41。
