  • 學位論文


Design and Development of iBooks Training Materials-Take Canaan Church Group Leader Training Materials for Example

指導教授 : 李世忠


近年來台灣基督教推動校園小組化策略,需要受過信仰教育訓練的信徒擔任小組長;目前基督教書房出版相關的小組長訓練教材,大多屬於單方面傳遞訊息的書面形式,缺乏互動式、系統化、行動式的訓練教材,訓練方式也未充分結合科技運用的教學策略。本研究目的在於運用iBooks互動電子書工具,設計、發展與評鑑校園教會小組長訓練教材。 本研究方法以設計導向為主要架構,進行分析、設計、發展、實施和評鑑,發展教材的工具為iBooks Author。教材共有四個單元,「如何帶領查經」、「如何傳福音」、「如何帶領禱告會」、「如何帶領福音詩歌」。行動化訓練教材的訓練策略採用短時間、小活動、科技運用、小組合作為各單元進行架構,每單元於實施後請學習者與專家進行形成性評鑑。 依據評鑑結果,本研究結論如下:(1)行動化教材能符合大學生使用需求、(2)學習者認為iPad介面操作容易且影音功能便利、(3)iBooks互動功能增進學習者與教材之互動機會、(4)訓練策略應善用新科技與互動性設計,與(5)新科技需要更完善的訓練環境與設備。


In recent years, Taiwan Christian intends to promote leading strategy of pastoral care for university believers. Believers need to have leaders training before they become a pastoral leader. However, most Christian Bookstore publications related to group leader training were static print training materials which were not interactive, systematic and integrated with the use of technology to fulfill the needs of university believers. The purpose of this study was to use interactive iBooks authoring tools to design and develop training materials for campus church group leaders. This study avail designed-based research to perform analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The major development tool for this study was iBooks Author. Four training materials were developed, they were: "How to lead Bible study", "How to preach the gospel", "how to lead prayer meeting", and "how to lead gospel songs." Four training sessions were designed according to the mobilized training strategy principles which were: short unit, short activity, use of technology, and group cooperation. After the training, each unit conducted formative evaluation with learners and experts. Based on the evaluation, five conclusions were made including: 1) mobilized training materials could fulfill the needs of university believers; 2) most learners responsed that the iPad interface was easy to use and audio/video recording features were very convenient; 3) iBooks interactive features promoted learners the opportunities to interact with training materials; 4) training strategy for undergraduate believers should avail the advantage of new technology and interactive design; and 5) new technologies needed more carefully designed and integrated training environment and facilities.


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