  • 學位論文


A participatory-action research applying integrated futures thinking on the creation of science fictions

指導教授 : 陳國華


關於發想的模式,在不同的領域有著不同的樣貌,主要可分成五類,假設思考、創意思考、設計思考、未來思考、敘事思考,每一類並非獨立存在,方法與方法之間皆有互通的地方。本研究以未來學為主,整合設計思考與編劇理論,提出新世界設計法,是一套思考世界變化的流程,可適用於創作科幻故事,探索未來的可能性,最主要的功能是設計新的社會運作模式。 未來學對於時間變化的推測、發想有著很高的效率,畢竟這原先適用在詭譎多變的現實世界,而這剛好可以彌補現行的故事創作方法,因為現在方式,不僅讓創作者不知道如何研究故事主題,對於故事主線與副線安排也非常的原始,探索新模式勢在必行,本研究者在幾個不同思考領域的產業遊走,相信將這些領域交會可以為產業帶入新活水。 本研究分成四階段,第一將未來學、設計思考與編劇方法整合成一套創作流程。第二以行動研究的方式,帶領五位作家使用此方法創作科幻故事,以花費不到四個月的時間完成創作,並出版成中篇小說集。第三作品完成後,訪問創作作家的心路歷程,也訪問外部專家對於看完小說的心得。第四是根據訪談回饋,修改此整合方法,並命名為新世界設計法。經過實務創作以及嚴謹研究,發現此集體發想的型式,能縮短故事創作時間,使創作者不需獨自面對故事,避免陷入創作的盲點當中。


Modes of thinking can be divided into five categories: hypothetical thinking, creative thinking, design thinking, futures thinking, and narrative thinking. Each thinking mode does not exist independently but overlapping. This research focuses on Futures Studies, integrating design thinking and screenwriting theories. Consequently, I proposed a new integrated design method as well as a process of thinking about world changes. It can be applied to creating science fiction while exploring alternative futures. The main function is to design a new social mode of operation. Futures studies provides in-depth and broaden insights for environmental scanning and imagination. Moreover, Futures Studies could fill the gap between trend speculation and the story creation, because the current method make will require a long and time-consuming process before going into real-world production. This research aims to bring in new ways of thinking and to link people working in different fields for the emerging science fiction industry in Taiwan. This research was executed through four stages. The first was to integrate Futures studies, design thinking and screenwriting methods into a set of creative processes. Secondly, by means of action research, five writers used this method to create a science fiction novel, which took less than four months to complete the creation and publication. After that, I interviewed the authors’ mentality and the experience of reading novels by experts. The final stage was to modify this integration-based method on the interview feedbacks and created it as the New World Design Method. This research has successfully discovered the benefits of applying new ways of collective thinking on the creation of science fictions. Not only it can shorten the story creation time, but also taking advantage of writing collaboration.


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