  • 學位論文


A Study on the Interface between Green Building Code and Practical Application

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


因應全球氣候變遷,環境保護已成為跨領域的議題。從永續發展、生態規劃、能源、減廢與環境的思潮,隨著經濟成長、社會發展與道德需求,逐漸的融入人類的生活。 綠建築是目前政府推動的重要政策,也是全球永續生態發展的課題。我國自1995年起規範建築物的節約能源條款,迄今的綠建築分級評估制度,逐步的將綠建築設計法制化。 綠建築是順應人性,利用地方特色與文化背景,表達自然與人為之間的和諧。如何在滿足使用者的需求,且獲取節能環保的平衡,同時又能符合法令規範的限制,是設計規劃者重要的任務。 本研究擬藉由實務操作案例,討論設計規劃者在綠建築設計之操作過程中,與綠建築規範及主管機關審查間所面臨之課題,分析法令與實務操作之介面,以資料的彙整與案例的分析內容相互對照,歸納綠建築設計手法與法令間之落差,希望研究成果,能提供後續法令研議及案件執行之探討與參考。


In view of the global climate change, environmental protection is a focus issue which has crossed different boundaries. Following the needs for the economical, social and moral development; such issues regarding sustainable development, ecological planning, energy saving, waste reduction, and environmental protection are now gradually merged into human life. Green building is an important policy of the Government to promote and is the world's sustainable eco-development issue. Our country established national standards for building energy conservation since 1995. So far the green building rating assessment system is gradually legalized into the green building design criteria. Green building should conform to human nature by applying local characteristics and cultural background to express the harmony between nature and man. An Important task of the designer is to satisfy the functional needs of the user and to maintain a balance between environmental protection and energy saving. This study will provide real case study of green building. It is based on the interface process between designer, existing green building codes and case review by authorities. The materials collected will illustrate the conflict between green building design criteria and existing codes. It is hopeful that the result of this study can serve as a reference for green building project evaluation and study of the code and implementation in the future.


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