  • 學位論文


The Study of Developing the Harbor Maintenance Management System and Repiar Rankings

指導教授 : 林利國


國內對於港灣設施的維護管理工作,仍多停留在例行的目視巡查與一般的清理養護;對於設施的功能折損,也多是局部修補的策略,直到意外傷害或重大損失產生才急就章亡羊補牢。對於國內數量逐漸成長的港灣設施,為達到永續經營的目的,如何研擬更妥適的維護管理機制必將成為未來海洋工程領域重要的工作之一。 因此,對於我國既有的港灣設施,應該具備更即時、完整的維護管理系統,以應付未來的龐大吞吐量。本研究規劃研擬及建構一套可即時儲存紀錄檢測與維修構件劣化位置及程度之管理系統,進而提供設施改善、構件維修排序與補強等之決策。利用其有效率的電腦化科學管理方法,協助港灣相關單位運用有限之預算,依造構件重要性進行狀況維修排序,進行重點式維修及補強,不但符合經濟性且可確保港灣構造物結構安全、提升整體服務功能。 對於系統其維修排序功能,本研究透過專家問卷方式,以一致性模糊偏好關係法(Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation,簡稱為CFPR)進行國內常見之三種碼頭結構型式其各別構件權重分析,促使維修排序更具合理性與實用性。


For the domestic harbor facilities, maintenance and management work, still stays in routine visual inspection and general cleaning maintenance; for functional damage only rely to partial repair strategy, until accidents or substantial loss occurs, then repair rashly. For the gradual growth of the domestic number of harbor facilities, and to achieve the sustainable development, how to purpose a proper maintenance management mechanism will be an important job for future marine engineer. Therefore, for our existing harbor facilities, should have more immediate and complete maintenance management system to meet future large throughput. In this research, develop and construct a set of real-time detection and repair records storage component cons of the location and extent of the management system, thus improving the provision of facilities, component repair and reinforcement of such sort of decision-making. Efficient use of its computers and scientific management methods, the use of the relevant units to help Harbor limited budget, the importance of the situation by making the maintenance order components, the key-type repair and reinforcement, not only meet the economic but also ensure harbor structures structural safety, improve the overall service function. The repair ranking of this Harbour Maintenance Management System is by using the questionnaire of related experts and use consistency fuzzy preference relations method to calculate the individual components weights of the domestic three most common harbor structures types, in order to promote more reasonable and practical on the repair rankings.


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