  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李伯謙


現今全國各個行政機關或公營事業單位,在進入廿一世紀之初,無不以建立現代化企業經營理念,來推動各項政府施政,警政工作是政府公共行政的一環,過去在傳統上,其任務多注重在社會治安的維護與公共秩序的維持,警察的角色塑造或自我塑成「犯罪的打擊者」、「法律的執法者」、「正義的捍衛者」,由於國內政治、經濟、社會環境急速的變遷,傳統的警察角色,己逐漸無法適應民眾的需求,而民眾所要求的不僅是警察機關能夠提供更便捷、舒適,有效率與快速的服務環境,以解決切身的問題與申辦案件。 其實我國警察工作的理念早就有「服務」的精神,如「人民的保姆」、「人民的公僕」均蘊有服務的涵義,許多行政作為亦跟隨時代環境的變遷而有所改變,尤其是近幾年來,不但致力於治安的維護,對加強為民服務,建立良好警民關係,一改過去的墨守成規,法規導向的層級及管制的官僚主義典範,亦已接受各方面的挑戰與質疑,因此在警察機關的行政作為,除了除暴安良外,還要以服務贏得民心。尤其新任警政署長王進旺先生,於八十九年八月上任後,即提出警察工作是服務的工作,各警察機關應建立「服務導向」的經營理念,要求員警「民眾的小事就是警察的大事」、「勿以事小而不為,勿以惡小而為之」然而「顧客至上,民意為先」的理念,過去並未落實生根到每位基層同仁,不論是電話或進入派出所報案,都該視為「顧客」,要尊重顧客,提供最滿意的服務,如同企業「輸入」到「產出」過程的品質管理。服務就是警察的產出,有了良好的服務品質,才能得到顧客滿意的「回饋」,要求全國警察人員落實執行。 反觀國外先進國家警察服務作為:如英國皮爾爵士在1829年向國會提之警察法案(Police Act)之時注意到了執法與人權之間很難取得平衡,故其以「民眾的警察」(Peoples Police)表現出警察的角色是以服務而不是強制。美國紐約市警察局從幾年前的犯罪首都,經過努力維護,現在犯罪率已創三十年來最低,因為該局加強員警教育訓練、提升警察專業執法能力外,最主要是持續實施社區警政,探求民意與為民服務工作,增進警民瞭解與合作,以發揮警民共同偵防犯罪功能。另外,日本由於都市化受特區警察已與民眾逐漸疏離,但最近數年又重新重視派出所及受特區與民眾維持緊密關係,以積極的服務獲取民眾的協助,賡續強化警民關係,提升服務品質。由此略知,世界先進國家的警察作為,最主要的工作是和民眾保持密切的合作關係,無不從法制上,勤務機制與建立員警共識去推動,值得我們借鏡。 而就我國現行警察機關為民服務工作的推動,早己列為政府重要施政之一,為爭取民心,提高民眾滿意,各單位除依現行規定努力推動之外,無不運用各種創新的作為。本研究為了探究當前警察機關為民服務的品質與警民合作,除回顧文獻以及先進國家各種作為之外,茲以台中縣警察局做一問卷,針對基層警察人員及曾經向派出所報案的民眾做調查,發現兩者對服務品質的要求尚有一段落差,因此警察角色應該隨時代環境而作調整,尤其對警察人員的服務品質及服務態度要求提高,警察勤務制度應配合現實社會的需要,讓警勤區職能彈性化以發揮服務功能,進而讓民眾樂於參與,強化守望相助組織,有效整合、運用社會資源。 而未來如何落實警察服務導向,提升服務品質、加強與民眾的互動,建立警民關係,以贏得了民眾的信賴,使民眾樂於配合警察、協助警察,共同維護社會治安,在警察本身除了要建立共識,讓全體員警認識警察工作即是服務的工作,還要建立全民治安的觀念,改變民眾認知,讓民眾主動參與治安工作。另外充實基層警察機關為民服務硬體設備、調整基層分駐(派出)所勤務機制、合理勤務規劃,提高員警為民服務效率、全面品質管理,提昇服務品質,落實服務導向、發展警政資訊,提供更便捷的服務、加強警察行銷,讓民眾知道警察為你服務些什麼、設置村里(社區)治安委員會反應民眾需求、加強民間資源的運用,增進警民合作。而在自我修養方面,少點陽剛氣,多點溫柔心,增加親和力,使民眾樂於接近、培養「菩薩心,警察行」的菩薩心腸,樹立警察良好形象。


ABSTRACT At the beginning of the twentieth century, either administrative organizations or public enterprises of our nation all attempt to promote implement of governmental administration by establishing a concept of modern industrial management. Police administration is one part of public administration of government. In the past, it traditionally emphasized on a protection of social security and a maintenance of public order. The role of policeman particularly was shaped as “a crime terminator”, “a law executor” and “a justice defender.” Due to a rapid change of political, economic and social aspects of our nation, the traditional role of policeman has gradually been not capable to adapt to the requirement of populace. What the populace requires to police organizations is a more convenient, comfortable, efficient and speedy circumstance to solve personal cases of application or consolation. As a matter of fact, the ideal of police service has already contained spirits of “service” such as “the babysitter of people” or “the public servant of people.” A lot of administrative implement has been changed by following of the transformation of age and environment. Particularly it has concentrated on aspects of security maintenance, public service and good relationship between policemen and people during recent years .It has been challenged and questionaired by many other aspects and became different from a past model of sticking to old regulations and bureaucratic authorities. Therefore, Police administration includes not only a crime termination but also good services to win people’s heart. Our new administrator of police administration, Mr. Wang Chin Wang, has been took up his official appointment since August of 1998. He asks that the police work is a service and every police organization should establish a management concept of “service guidance.” Police officers should understand that “a little trifle of people is a serious matter for the police” and “ One shouldn’t making a judgment of doing one good or bad thing because it’s minor.” However, the ideal of “customer as the first and public opinion as the priority” didn’t executed and influenced deep-rootedly on the mind of every colleague of basic levels. Whether reporting a case by person or by telephone, colleagues all should respect people as “customer” and provide a best service. Similar to the quality management of industrial “import” and “product,” service is the product of policemen. With a good service quality, it’s possible to retain a satisfied “contribution” from customer. Therefore, policemen should make a practical implement of service. Taking a view at the police service of advanced countries: In 1829, Sir Pieere of British proposed Police Act in the assembly and he noticed an imbalance between execution and humanity. He provoked “Peoples Police” to demonstrate a role of policeman on a basis of service rather than coercive power. The New York City Police Station of U.S.A tried very hard to transform N.Y from a capital of crimes into a city now with the lowest criminal rate of these thirty years. The N.Y Police Station strengthens an education training of policemen, an elevation of professional ability of execution and, the most important, a continual implement of police administration in community with services for people and a direction communication with public opinions which promotes efficiently a mutual understanding and cooperation to prevent crimes between the police and people. Otherwise, Japanese policemen keep people at a distance because of urbanization and specific zones. Due to a reemphasis on police stations and specific zones to keep a close relationship with people, Japanese policemen retain people’s help with positive services and elevate the service quality. Therefore, the police service of advanced countries mainly is to keep a close relationship of cooperation with people. It’s worthy to take it as a lesson for us to promote such an idea in law regulations, duty system and common consensus of policemen. However the promotion of police service has already listed as one of significant administrative implement of our government. For winning people’s heart and elevation a satisfied rate, every unit all makes efforts to promote police service according to regulations and creative methods. My research discusses service quality of modern police stations and cooperation between people and policemen. The study not only makes a survey on relative documents of advanced countries and provides a questionnaire specific to The Taichung County Police Station. Its subjects focus on a survey of policemen at basic levels and case reporters. The result finds that there’s a distance of requirement for service quality between them. The role of policemen should be flexible according to the changes of age and environment. The service quality and attitude should be required with a much high standard. The duty system should match up with a practical need of society so as to make duty more flexible to develop its service function. Peoples would be pleased to participate in the guard organization of community and social sources would also be efficiently applied. As for an execution of service guidance, quality elevation, cooperation, help, and social order maintenance in the future, the police should establish not only a common consensus that police work is exactly a kind of service, but also an idea of public security for populace. People’s recognition should be altered and people should subjectively take part in works of keeping social order. On the other hand, hardware service equipments at basic police stations should be provided. Duty system should be logically adjusted and planned. The service efficiency is highly elevated and the quality is completely managed. Service guidance is executed and police administration information is developed. All steps above reinforcing as police sales provide a more convenient service to let people know what police had done. The establishment of community security committee would reflect requirements of people and make a well usage of social sources. The cooperation between policemen and people would enforce a personal cultivation on policemen whose gentle and tender images have naturally developed an affinity with people. The police would be established as an outstanding model of executing “Buddha’s heart and Police’s Act.”




