  • 學位論文


A Study on Evaluating the Analytic Network Process in Supplier Selection

指導教授 : 龐金宗


台灣面板業技術日新月異,至今已蓬勃發展,1999年面板引進後台灣後,自此陸續有需多業者進軍面板產業,經過風風雨雨的產業競爭,海外有韓國大量生產將價格拉低,在台灣也面臨上下游整合、產業合併或是技術瓶頸的壓力,經過金融海嘯後的洗禮,目前面板產業除了人力的減少,製程加速產出,材料方面也請供應商價格壓到合理化,盡力做到物美價廉。 受到原物價的上漲,供應商的選擇與採購能力對企業實現事業計畫和執行有著相當大的影響與關連,因此企業體最好有一套持續運作的程式來規範、定義,並瞭解每家供應商的能力和其相對權重。評估供應商能力時,並不是只考慮它的價格,還必須詳細探討它的品質、服務水準、及時交貨和技術支援等能力。就如同前面所说,即是否能支持自己的事業計畫與專屬於自己的營運模式。 本篇論文將著重在面板產業材料供應商背光模組(Backlight)的探討,選定分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP) 求得各供應之優先順序,再以多準則妥協解 (VleseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje, VIKOR),找出供應商的總成績並進行優劣排序,最後驗證是否與ANP結果相符。


With advancement in technology, panels in Taiwan change everyday with quick speed and continue to thrive nowadays. Many companies produce panels in Taiwan in 1999. The industrial competitions in overseas is the lowering down price of Korea by mass production. In Taiwan, there are upstream and downstream integration, industry consolidation, or the pressure of technological bottlenecks. After the financial tsunami,the current panel industry is doing its best by the reduction of manpower, accelerating the production process and the rational price from the material suppliers. Owing to rising prices of raw materials, there’s a considerable influence and connection between the supplier selection and the procurement capacity for the companies to execute the plans. So the companies need a continuing operation to regulate, to define the procedures and to understand each supplier’s ability and its relative weights. Besides the price, the quality,the service,prompt delivery and technical support capabilities are under consideration on evaluating the abilities of the suppliers. As mentioned above, it’s whether to support its own business plans and operation mode. This thesis will focus on exploring the backlight module in the material suppliers of the panels. The research uses the ANP to obtain the best order of the supplier’s selection, and VIKOR (VleseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) to get the best suppliers to identify and sort the pros and cons, and finally to verify the results consistent with the ANP.


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