  • 學位論文


The Agency of Arts Organization Administrations to the Management Environment ——A Case Study of 80’s Arts NGO in ChangSha(Hunan)

指導教授 : 廖仁義


從2006年,中國中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳發佈了《國家「十一五」時期文化發展規劃綱要》(這是中國第一個專門部署文化建設的中長期規劃),至2012 年的《「十二五」文化產業倍增計畫》,中國大陸文化產業一直都保持著較快增長,不管是電影、電視劇、新媒體和出版等領域發展勢頭良好。並且政府對文化產業提出發展目標,即文化占 GDP 比重由目前的 3%增加到 5%。意味著到 2020 年文化產業增加值將超過 5.5 萬億,在未來七年內增長速度仍需要保持在20%左右。暫不論後續發展的情況與目標可否企及,毋庸置疑的是,文化的作用在中國開始表現得越來越重要與明顯。換句話說,文化已經成為決定經濟發展潛力和後勁的重要因素。 在產業化的文化藝術發展的同時,也是民間藝文活動的萌芽與興起之時。經歷過文革的「洗禮」,改革開放的「大浪潮」,文化服務的對象開始從「政治」逐漸過渡到「市場」。仍舊受到管控的中國式藝術文化,相比那段「崢嶸歲月」,卻有著極大地改善——她使得文化的多元性、多樣性、新鮮感得到了某種程度的還原。同時,也使得很多民間自發形成的正式、非正式團體如雨後春筍般不斷出現,遍佈中國各大縣市。與此同時,由於快速成長,帶來制度、政策的滯後性,使得這些民間藝文組織及其管理者陷入一種「迷茫狀態」與「自我尋找」的較力狀態中。如何處理這個還未成熟、未明確、未穩定的環境,成了他們需要面對的一大課題。 本研究以長沙地域為例,結合研究題目與範圍,擬定以下研究目的:瞭解長沙民間藝術行政管理者(80後)的基本工作情況與生存環境;探究長沙民間藝文組織的生存營運狀況與解決問題之能力;關注長沙民間藝文組織與政府等利益關係人的互動與關係;結合實際情況,初步提出相關建議與改善措施。 以上研究目的之設定,實則龐大複雜,必然未能面面俱到、洞見深刻。筆者僅願通過淺薄之分析研究將所獲之資料做一簡單梳理與總結——藉由此次研究,呼籲業界能關注到「民間藝文組織」的發展,為後續研究者提供可參考資料。 關鍵字: 能動性、民間藝文組織、藝文行政管理者、管理環境、非營利組織


Chinese cultural industry has been developing at fast pace since 2006 when General Office of the Communist Party of China and General Office of the State Council started the first long-term plan for cultural industry called the National “11th Five Year Plan” Period Cultural Development Plan to the National “12th Five Year Plan” Period Cultural Development Doubling Plan in 2012. In a field of movies, TV shows, new media, and publications, all have the trend of good growth. Moreover, the government intends to raise the percentage of culture in GDP from 3% to 5%. This means when reaching the year 2020, the cultural industry will gain over $5.5 trillion while the growing rate for the next 7 years at around 20%. Culture has definitely influence the potential growth of economic in China no matter what the situation might be and whether the goal will be reached or not. At the same time when industrialized culture art is being developed, folk arts are just beginning and starting to sprout. The potential clients for cultural services have migrate from “politics” to “market” after experiencing the baptism of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the wave of Chinese Economic Reform. The Chinese art culture has made culture’s varieties, diversities, and vivacities come back to life despite the fact that it is still being limited. At the same time, a lot of non-government organizations, either official or non-official, spring up like mushrooms and spread all over China. However, the rapid increase leaves policies and systems behind, leading to a situation of wrestling between “confusion” and “self-seeking” for organization of arts and cultures and their managers. How to deal with this immature, imprecise, and yet unstable environment will be a major issue they need to face. This paper merged Changsha region with the research topic and field to compose the below four purposes. First, perceive the primary working conditions and living environments of Changsha’s Folk Art Administration workers after 1980s. Second, seek into the operating capacities of Changsha’s organization of arts and cultures and also their skills of solving problems. Then this research will pay attention to the relationship and interactions between stakeholders such as Changsha’s organization of arts and cultures and its government. Finally, proposal of relative advises and possible methods for improvements will be given. Despite purposes are complex in whole, which will be hard to attend all aspects of matters and to have a profound insights, the researcher will analyze the research results to gather useful information for categorization and summarization. Furthermore, this research aims on urging industries to pay more attention to the development of organization of arts and cultures, as well as provides useful references for works in the future.


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