  • 學位論文


Interface Circuits for a Portable Electronic Nose Based on Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Array

指導教授 : 鄭桂忠


電子鼻系統是目前世界上熱門的研究領域,它可以廣泛應用於各個產業及日常生活。藉由電子鼻系統可便於增加辨識氣體的種類、地點,並大幅改善辨識可靠度,傳統以人類嗅覺辨識氣體容易受到辨識者身體狀態及主觀意識等因素影響辨識可靠度。本論文希望能增加電子鼻系統的便利性,使用電路取代傳統電子鼻實驗需要使用的精密儀器,使電子鼻系統的應用可以不受到地點的限制,且降低成本。 表面聲波(Surface Acoustic Wave)感測器具有高靈敏度、響應速度快等優點,非常適合用於做為氣體感測器,透過陣列化可以圖形辨識的方式判斷目前感測到的氣體種類及濃度。使用非連續式表面聲波感測器陣列量測氣體所耗費功率較低,可延長可攜式裝置運作時間。本論文使用0.18μm CMOS製程設計數位式、類比式、混合訊號式(Mixed-Mode)電路實現表面聲波感測器陣列介面電路。數位式介面電路具有較高解析度特性,類比式介面電路具有低功耗特性,混合訊號式介面電路結合數位式電路及類比式電路的優點,其功率消耗僅1.48mW,解析度為10Hz,適用於輸出頻率約100MHz的SAW感測器陣列,並可結合無線傳輸模組傳送資料給接收端儲存與分析。


Electronic nose system is the world's popular field of studies, it can be widely applied to various industries and daily life. This thesis hopes to increase the convenience of the electronic nose system, the applicable site of electronic nose system can’t be constraints, and low cost. Surface Acoustic Wave sensors with high sensitivity, fast response, etc., is very suitable for as gas sensors. Use of non-continuous surface acoustic wave gas sensor array measured power consumed by the lower, extend the operating hours of portable devices. It realization of SAW sensor interface circuits by using 0.18μm CMOS process in this work. The three types of circuits are digital, analog and mixed-mode SAW array interface circuit, the performance of the mixed-mode circuits is the best one, the power consumption is only 1.48mW, the resolution is 10Hz, suitable for the SAW output frequency of about 100MHz sensor array. The interface can be combined with wireless transmission to send data to the receiver storage and analysis.


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