  • 學位論文

台灣資訊通路商的商業模式演進 -以個案公司為例

Taiwan's IT Distributor Business Model Evolution-A case study

指導教授 : 林則孟


摘 要 本研究係以商業模式理論,分析國內資訊通路商的商業模式,以本人服務之W個案公司為主要驗證對象。分析其面對資訊通路產業的內外在環境變化及各式各樣的通路條件下,如何生存與經營, 它如何的對應顧客價值主張變動及調整營收模式及關鍵資源與流程因應的運用。 本研究以個案研究方法,透過觀察與公司內部各部門主管深入訪談的方式,實證研究並整理歸納本個案公司在創立12年間的商業模式演進階段。結果發現:公司與產品一樣有生命周期,產品新上市階段以功能創獲利,經過持續不斷的改善與滿足顧客需要之後,由功能性改進為便利性最後市場會是商品化的局面,此時只有成本可以競爭,營收與利潤必定下降,公司未來的生命期會面臨衰退甚至死王,公司領導階層要找出新的機會,以創新商業模式的來滿足服務新顧客。研究已知競爭基礎會一直轉移,如何考慮機會成本問題下可以找出核心事業以外的關聯性市場或是全新的白地市場,才能讓公司轉型茁壯成長?資訊通路商不僅須要很明確的認知顧客價值主張及營收問題,更需要面對市場的變化隨時注意顧客價值主張的變動,公司必須配合應變並提供最關鍵的資源與流程來解決本身與下游經銷商、甚至是末端消費者之間的營收模式,才能讓公司保持成長動能。 【關鍵字】行銷通路、資訊通路、商業模式、顧客價值主張


Abstract The “Business Model “ is based on the theory to analyze the internal market of computer product channels. Analysis of the face of internal and external Information Technology industry environmental change and a wide range of access conditions, how to survive and operate. The study case is the company I work, corresponding changes in the customer value proposition and adjust the revenue model and key resources and processes how to deal with changes in market operation. This research uses a case study methodology, It analyzes the company through observation and depth interviews within the company, empirical research and summarization business model evolution phase of the case company was founded 12 years. The research results obtained show : The company has lifespan like products, the products create and make a profit with the function at new listing stage, after constant improvement and meeting customer's needs, the market will be a commercialized situation finally for convenience by the functional improvement, only the cost can compete at this moment, , revenue and profits will decline, company future life period will face decline even the king dies, the leading stratum of the company should find out the new chance, coming to satisfy the new customer of the service by way of innovative business models The basis of competition will shift, must consider about the opportunity cost can find out the related market or brand-new market whitely space the key undertaking under the issue, let the company make the transition and grow up strong and sturdy the importance of business model planning because IT distributors have to handle not only have a very clear understanding of customer value proposition and revenue problems, but also to face the market changes and pay attention to changes in customer value proposition。 The IT distributor must coordinate the contingency and provide the best resources and processes to solve Itself, and downstream retailer, or even customers at end-point , the main reason is allowing the company to maintain growth momentum。 【Key Words】Marketing channels, information technology product channel,business models, customer value proposition


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