  • 學位論文


A Study of The Relationships Between Perception of Organizational Change And Organizational Commitment─An Example of the Policy Branch of The Ministry of National Defense

指導教授 : 吳美連


摘 要 為了要適應持續變動的經營環境,必須持續創新並採取嶄新企業策略的公司,莫不紛紛進行組織精簡與變革,期望以更輕盈的架構、更多的授權做出更快速的因應之道。國軍為貫徹「精兵政策」及落實「國防二法」立法精神,在完成「精實案」組織調整工作後,秉「持續精進戰力」的理念,執行高司組織再造,落實「精進組織」及「全面轉型」之目標。在組織變革推動的過程中,其組織成員之變革認知,對組織承諾的影響,為研究國軍變革影響不可或缺的重要課題之一。 本研究之目的即在探討國防部軍政體系幕僚機構在組織變革下,員工的變革認知與組織承諾間的關聯性,透過問卷的方式,從其中339份有效問卷,進行相關之統計分析,歸納出以下幾項研究結論: 一、員工在組織進行變革後所獲得的效益認知程度愈高,其組織承諾度也愈大,尤其在協調溝通處理、變革成效及工作被保障愈佳的情況下,員工更願意留在單位服務,創造更佳的績效。 二、國防部軍政體系幕僚機構員工在組織變革過程中,組織與員工間有充分且良好的協調溝通、重視員工權益的爭取與員工對組織變革後的效益認知愈高,其產生的組織承諾度也就愈高。 三、年齡較長的員工大多認同自己服務的單位是一個很好的工作場所,並能充分發揮自己的能力,且願意繼續在單位工作,展現更好的績效;各職類之員工願意在單位內付出更多的努力,且相信在組織調整變革後,願意留在單位內工作,對單位未來的發展亦是深具信心的。 四、軍職職類員工在組織變革後過程中,願意繼續留在單位內服務,並會付出更多的努力來展現績效的態度高於文職及聘雇員工;各職類員工對變革效益的認知愈高及自我前程發展有高度的期待與認同時,對組織的承諾度也愈高。 五、國防部軍政體系幕僚機構的男性員工對整體組織變革、效益、前程發展及溝通程度之認知上具有較為強烈的認同感;大學、研究所(含指參)以上教育程度的員工,其變革認同感及工作保障認知均高於高中、專科學歷的員工;在整體組織變革認知上軍職明顯高於聘雇員工,溝通程度認知上為軍職高於文職員工,而工作保障認知上則是軍、文職高於聘雇員工。 本研究根據研究結果,對決策階層管理者提出以下的建議: 一、確保員工權益及工作保障,並擬訂完備之配套措施。 二、充分與員工溝通並增強員工正面的變革認知,降低不確定的負面影響。 三、掌握員工屬性動向及專長能力,提升員工對變革目標達成認同與投入。 四、組織推動變革過程中應同時鼓勵員工參與進修,培養多元能力。 五、實施差異化管理策略,並妥善規劃變革溝通宣導內容。


Abstract In order to adapt to a constantly changing environment, corporations must continue to innovate and employ unforeseen business strategies. Therefore, many organizations follow the route of organizational simplification and transformation, hoping to streamline the structure and empower more to employees in order to attain faster responsiveness. To realize the legislative spirit of the “quality troops policy” and the “two methods of national defense”, after completing the organizational adjustments as specified by the “solidification plan”, the national military adheres to the “continuous refinements in combat strength” principle and carried out high-level organizational restructuring, thus achieving the goals of “organizational refinement” and “all-around structural change”. During the process of implementing the organizational changes, employees’ perceptions of the changes implemented and their effects on the organizational commitment should be investigated. This purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between the employees’ perception of organizational changes and their organizational commitment under the restructuring of the military administrative system and staff agencies for national defense department. Through survey study, analyses were conducted using 339 effective questionnaires, which produced the following research conclusions: 1.The perception of change benefit is positively related to the degree of organizational commitment. 2.If the organization and staff members have sufficient and satisfactory harmonization and communications, and that there is increased emphasis in vying for the staff members’ rights and increased understanding in the benefits that will be produced by the restructuring, the resultant organizational commitment will also be higher. 3.Age of employees is positively related to their organizational commitment. In other words, older staff members acknowledge that their posts of service are amiable workplaces, and they are willing to continue working in their posts, producing better results. 4.Those who are members of the military duty class have higher degree of retention commitment than those who are nonmilitary staff. 5.Male employees perceived higher degree of change benefits than female. In addition, those who are educated more perceived higher degree of job security than those who are educated less. Based on the results, the current study proposes the following suggestions: 1.Organizations should ensure the employees’ rights and job security, and devise adequate necessary programs to achieve the aforementioned goals. 2.Organizations should fully communicate with employees to increase their positive perceptions of the restructuring, and decrease uncertain negative effects. 3.Organizations should understand employees’ characteristics and expertise, and increase their recognition and devotion in achieving the goals of restructuring. 4.While the organization pushes for organizational change, employees should be simultaneously encouraged to participate in extracurricular training, thus their cross-functional competence can be developed. 5.Organizations should employ differentiated management strategies, and appropriately plan the contents of the guidance communication of the restructuring.


3.尹衍樑(1988),「組織變革策略對組織承諾之影響研究— 以潤泰工業股份有限公司電腦化為例」,國立政治大學企業管理研究所博士論文。


