  • 學位論文


The Co-evolution on Business Configurations: A Study of Laptop Computer Industry

指導教授 : 邱奕嘉


摘要 本研究從共演化(Coevolution)觀點來探討探討台灣筆記型電腦代工廠的資源佈局和與產業間的演化過程。本研究從廠商層次與產業層次觀察演化的過程中所形成的演進機制與相對應的資源佈局,從廠商層次觀察廠商如何培養能力以改變資源佈局(Competence Configuration)來進行對環境的適應或操控;在產業層次的演進使用編年體式描述主要環境系統以代表環境資源的不同面向。 台灣的電腦代工廠商自開始即參與PC電腦產業,從過去即與電腦品牌廠商培養出完整的產能供需,整體產業的發展在短時間內發展成熟,故提供豐富的資料可供共同演化的研究探討。本研究觀察1995年代至2004年間,以台灣前三大筆記型電腦代工廠商-廣達電腦、仁寶電腦、英業達三家在筆記型電腦資源佈局與產業共演化為觀察對象。 本研究發現廠商與產業環境改變的演化模式,會因廠商各自對產業環境解讀方式的不同和依據自身能耐與顧客數的差異而將資源作出不同的佈局配置。本研究依照垂直整合程度、多角化投資程度、顧客數等三構面來衡量廠商資源佈局。在環境的變動下,廠商的資源佈局會傾向提高垂直整合程度;或是增加多角化投資程度。 而台灣NB代工廠商,在面臨環境的變化時,不再是以『適應』(Adaptation)來順應環境變化,而是作出新選擇來對環境的變化進行『操控』(Selection)。


共演化 資源佈局 資源基礎


This research discusses the coevolution of NB industry and Notebook manufactures from the Competence Configuration viewpoint. The coevolution process observed from two levels that is the evolution mechanism in the industrial level, and the competence configurations in the firm level. From firm level to observe the enterprise how to change it competence figuration from building process in order to selection or adaptation their environment. In industry level we used time scale to describe main environment system. The Taiwan NB manufactures has joined PC industry in early stage, had experienced and build up complete supply and demand adjustment; the overall industry developed maturely in a short time, and provides rich research data. This research observes NB industries and Taiwan NB manufactures-Quanta computer, Compal, inventec from 1995 ages to the initial period of 2004 ages. We discover that the coevolution between firm and industry, which based on different level of vertical integration and numbers of customers can cause different competence configuration. We divide into three parts to evaluated business competence configuration:Vertical integrations、Product diversity、Customer that such heterogeneities lie in the firm’s ability to reconfigure the firm’s asset structure, and tend to accomplish the necessary transformation. The case of Taiwan NB manufactures tell the truth that firms are not just adaptation by environment, firms have ability to select the environment to shape a fitting living environment for themselves.


13. 李強,回顧2002年展望2003年筆記型電腦產業發展趨勢
18. 李強,2004年筆記型電腦市場的美麗與哀愁
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