  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Employee Perceptions of Performance Appraisal System, Personality Traits, and Job Burnout

指導教授 : 諸承明


摘要 隨著產業的轉型,服務業為現今最主要的產業,也因如此,在服務的過程中必須依據情緒規則來展現情緒,有關情緒勞動者的相關議題因運而生,其中工作倦怠的相關議題亦成為關注的焦點,本研究以第一線護理人員作為實證對象,探討其對於績效評估系統之知覺,是否會因為對評估系統知覺不同而對於工作倦怠產生影響,並探討不同之內控傾向與自我監控與工作倦怠之間的關聯性,最後探討護理人員對績效評估系統之知覺與格特質之交互作用下對工作倦怠的關聯性。 最後,提出具體建議以提供相關單位對人力資源管理方案之參考。 實證結果發現如下: 1.護理人員對績效評估系統知覺與工作倦怠方面,績效評估系統中,評估的公正性愈高,愈能顯著降低護理人員的的情緒耗竭、去人性化與降低個人成就感;績效回饋的連結程度愈高,愈能顯著降低護理人員之情緒耗竭情形。 2.人格特質對工作倦怠具有顯著的預測效果。內控傾向高者與高度自我監控者其情緒耗竭、去人性化與降低個人成就感之工作倦怠感愈低。 3.評估期間的互動程度與內控傾向之交互作用對降低個人成就感方面具有顯著影響。 4.評估準則的重要性與內控傾向之交互作用對情緒耗竭具有顯著影響 5.評估準則的重要性與自我監控之交互作用對降低個人成就感具有顯著影響。


In the recent years, the advent and growth of service industry economy has changed the traditional industry structure, and emotional labor has also being changed to be a service sector of the organizations. By the change, related issues of emotionallabor have become more and more important, job burnout especially. This researchintends to proceed with an empirical research on the perceptions of performance appraisal systems from the first-line nursing stuff, in order to reveal the phenomena of impact between the personality traits and job burnout. I wish this research could givesome constructive and appropriate advices to the human resources department. Some important findings in this study are depicted as follows: 1.Justice of performance appraisal has significant negative influence on emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment. Thelinkage level of appraisal feedback has significant negative influence one motional exhaustion. 2.Personality traits have significant influence on job burnout. Internal locus of control has significant negative influence on emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment. 3.The level of interaction during appraisal and internal locus of control has significant influence on diminished personal accomplishment. 4.The importance of performance indicators and internal locus of control has significant influence on emotional exhaustion. 5.The importance of performance indicators and self-monitoring has significant influence on diminished personal accomplishment.


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