  • 學位論文


The relationships among fifth and sixth graders' views of nature of science, self-regulated learning and science academic achievements

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究主要研究目的為探討國小高年級學童科學本質觀、自我調整學習與學業成就之關係,採問卷調查法,以桃園縣12所公立國民小學高年級學童共1399位為研究對象,施以「科學本質觀問卷」、「兒童自我調整學習量表」,採以李克氏(Likert)五點量表計分方式並將所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果得知: 1.國小高年級學童的科學本質觀較趨近於現代觀點(高於中間值3分)。 2.國小高年級學童的自我調整學習具有中上的水準。 3.國小高年級學童的科學本質觀與自我調整學習之間具有正相關性。 4.不同性別的國小高年級學童在科學本質觀與自我調整學習上有顯著差異,且女生普遍優於男生。 5.不同年級的國小高年級學童在科學本質觀與自我調整學習上有顯著差異,且六年級普遍優於五年級。 6.不同科學學業成就的國小高年級學童在科學本質觀上有顯著差異,且科學學業成就高分組的學童普遍優於低分組的學童。 7.不同科學學業成就的國小高年級學童在自我調整學習上有顯著差異,且科學學業成就高分組的學童普遍優於低分組的學童。 8.不同科學本質觀的國小高年級學童在科學學業成就上有顯著差異,且科學本質觀問卷得分高分組的學童普遍優於低分組的學童。 9.不同自我調整學習的國小高年級學童在科學學業成就上有顯著差異,且自我調整學習量表得分高分組的學童普遍優於低分組的學童。 10.國小高年級學童的科學本質觀部分層面與自我調整學習部分層面能有效預測學童個別的科學學業成就。


The purpose of the study is to investigate fifth and sixth graders’ views of nature of science (VNOS), self-regulated learning (SRL) and science academic achievements in terms of their current situation, differences, and relationships. In addition, the study explored the prediction of science academic achievements with students’ VNOS and SRL.The data in this study was collected via two questionnaires: “Views of nature of science” and “Self-regulated learning”. A total number of one thousand, three hundreds and ninety-nine fifth and sixth graders were selected from twelve public elementary schools in Taoyuan County. Data from the survey was analyzed using a series of statistical analysis including descriptive statistics, t-test for independent samples, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, multiple regression. The main results of this study are as follows : 1.Fifth and sixth graders hold more contemporary views in VNOS. 2.Fifth and sixth graders’ SRL were average or better than significantly average. 3.Fifth and sixth graders’ VNOS were positively correlated with their SRL. 4.There were significant differences between genders in terms of VNOS and SRL. 5.There were significant differences between grades in terms of VNOS and SRL. 6.There were significant differences among different academic achievements levels in terms of VNOS. 7.There were significant differences among different science academic achievements levels in terms of SRL. 8.There were significant differences between different VNOS in terms of science academic achievements. 9.There were significant differences among different levels of SRL in terms of science academic achievements. 10.Some aspects of fifth and sixth graders’ VNOS as well as SRL can predict their science academic achievements.


林陳湧(2009)。融入科學史教學對高中學生的科學本質觀、對科學的態度以及學習成就的影響。科學教育學刊,4(1), 31-58。
