  • 學位論文


Capability analysis of brand development for the service industries

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


本研究將研究探討服務業自有品牌的核心能力。根據文獻探討與專家訪談,分析整合成一個模式;此模式由五個構面組成,分別是經營模式、品牌策略、顧客價值、服務認知及經營績效。基於此五項構面,而建構服務業自有品牌之核心能力分析之結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM),再根據此模式進行實證分析。實證分析後,可以確認本研究建構之模型中各項構面間之因果關係,也可以找出服務業發展自有品牌之關鍵競爭力;基於管理面,此研究可以提供給服務業做為發展品牌之核心能力之參考。 本研究問卷主要發放對象為有發展自有品牌之服務業,總共蒐集了261份有效問卷,以此進行統計分析。實證分析之結果:經營模式會直接影響品牌策略及顧客價值;品牌策略及顧客價值會直接影響服務認知;而品牌策略及顧客價值會透過服務認知,間接影響到經營績效。藉由結果得知各構面中較重要之項目,也就是企業必須確實建構之項目,分別為企業之關鍵資源與流程、品牌行銷、服務之創新、顧客價值認知、服務之特色及承諾以及品牌認知,這些項目必須優先且確實建構,對於公司營運及提昇績效都有良好之幫助。


In this research, we want to examine the core capability of the service firms with owned brand. Based on the literature review and experts interviews, we can develop an integrated model, which is constituted by five constructs: business model, brand development, customer value, quality perception, and business performance. Based on this integrated model, a structure equation model (SEM) of core capability analysis of service firms with owned brand can be developed. Then we conduct the related empirical study based on the developed SEM model. After the statistic analyses, we can confirm the causalities among the constructs of SEM model, and we also can find out the critically competitive abilities for the service industries for the development of owned brand. Based on the management implication, we can provide the valuable references for the service industries about the core capability of brand development. Using 261 datas of servise industries, and the statistic analyses shows that business model has direct influence of brand development and customer value, brand development and customer value have direct influence of quality perception. Brand development and customer value will influence business performance mediated through quality perception.The more important factors of this research were the companies resources and processes, brand marketing, service innovation, customer value perception, service features, service commitments and brands perception.These factor must be priority to construct, it will help to improve the company's performance.


Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name. New York: The Free Press.
