  • 學位論文


Review of the Practice of Local Culture Museum Project with Total Quality Management Theory for Hsin Chu County Government

指導教授 : 林曉薇


在台灣社區總體營造起始於1993年12月,當時文建會向立法院的施政報告中提出「社區總體營造」一詞之概念,之後在社區營造相關計畫中已有社區利用閒置空間作為展示地方特色、開會、或辦理活動的場所。 在公元2002年文建會提出了「地方文化館計畫」,這個計畫基本上是社區總體營造政策的一個延續和發展。建立一個社區營造的「基地」,是地方文化館計畫的重要任務。 地方文化館計畫其實也不是台灣自創的,它類似「新博物館學」、「生態博物館」、「社區博物館」之理論及作法,2002年被陳郁秀主委提出時,不論是在博物館界或是社區,都是受到支持和歡迎的,但是沒有幾年的時間,這個計畫所造就的結果,卻換來媒體及民意代表的撻伐,之後「蚊子館」一詞總是和地方文化館計畫劃上等號。 筆者在公職生涯中和地方文化館計畫有很深的淵源,包括在桃園縣政府文化局擔任課長及新竹縣文化局擔任秘書的階段中,一直負責社區總體營造和地方文化館計畫的工作,也可以說是跟著這個計畫一起成長的。 因此,在長期思考如何改善地方文化館計畫議題時,發現要實踐地方文化館之社區參予及地方認同特性,均與主管單位之管理有密切關係,企業中「全面品質管理(TQM)」又為常用之品質管控工具,因此本研究取TQM之觀點,試圖分析新竹縣地方文化館計畫在實施過程裏,是那些地方出現品質問題?最後並以筆者自身的觀察與實踐的經驗,提供未來文化行政執行者參考,以及對中央及地方政府首長提出建議。


The project of Total Community Construction(TCC) in Taiwan began in December, 1993. The Council for Cultural Affairs(CCA) reported the ideas of TCC to Legislative Yuan, and afterwards the unused spaces were available for exhibiting local characters, community meetings and activities. The CCA proposed the project of Local Culture Museum(LCM) in 2002, which was a continuous policy and played an important role in TCC project. The project of LCM generates from the theories and concepts of neo-museology, eco-museum and community museum. It was proposed by Chen Yu-chiou, the ex-chairwoman of the CCA authority in 2002. The project was welcomed among those who worked or paid close attention to museum or community development, but after a few years it was criticized by media and congressman because some museums were deserted or disused. As a public servant, I have worked for a long time in the field of LCM. Therefore, I would like to use this thesie as a review of my work related to the project of LCM since 2002. Through the review and research, the author found that the quality of LCM is related to the management of the authority. TQM(Total Quality Management) is a popular tool for enterprises to contral the service quality. Therefore, this research applies TQM theory to analyze the process and its problems of local cultural museums management in Hsin Chu County. Finally, the author gives some suggestions for those who work for cultural administration and central and local governments for a long term development.


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