  • 學位論文


The Relationships among School Principals’ Paternalistic Leadership, Teachers’ Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment of Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 張淑慧


本研究旨在探討桃園縣立國民中學校長家長式領導之現況,與教師效能感、工作滿意度及組織承諾之現況,並且分析不同背景變項的校長自覺及教師知覺在家長式領導、教師效能感、工作滿意度及組織承諾上的差異情形,然後進一步藉由結構方程模式來驗證教師效能感、工作滿意度及組織承諾之關係模式,並以結構方程模式來檢驗模式的適配程度,並了解變項間的影響效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園縣立國民中學校長及教師為母群體,實際有效樣本數校長29份、教師403份,佔總樣本數82.9%及81.4%。以「校長領導行為問卷」與「教師行為問卷」為研究工具,歸納本研究結論如下: 1.不同校長性別、校長年資在自覺整體家長式領導上皆無差異。 2.不同教師性別、職務在知覺校長整體家長式領導有差異,其餘則無顯著差異。 3.不同教師年齡、教育程度、師培來源、年資、職務在知覺教師整體效能感有差異,其餘則無顯著差異。 4.不同教師性別、年齡、年資、職務在知覺整體工作滿意度有差異,其餘無顯著差異。 5.不同教師任教學校規模、年齡、教育程度、師培來源、年資、職務在知覺整體組織承諾有差異,其餘則無顯著差異。 6.不同校長家長式領導型態下,教師在知覺工作滿意度及組織承諾有差異,在教師效能感上則無顯著差異。 7.不同校長家長式領導型態下,教師效能感、工作滿意度及組織承諾之關係模式經結構方程模式檢定,發現整體適配指標皆達可接受的程度,亦即模式與桃園縣立國中教師的觀察資料具有相當程度的契合度。


The purpose of the present study was to investigate junior high school principals’ paternalistic leadership in Taoyuan County in Taiwan. The questionnaires were constructed into four subscales: principals’ paternalistic leadership, teachers’ efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The major research question was to investigate the relationship model among teachers’ efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment through various types of paternalistic leadership for junior high school principals. The questionnaires were mailed to the principals and teachers who were sampled from Taoyuan County and valid sample included 29 principals and 403 teachers. The valid return rate was 82.9% for principals’ sample and 81.4% for teachers’ sample. The major findings are as the following: 1.There were no significant differences of perception of paternalistic leadership for principals in terms of their background variables such as gender and serving years. 2.There were significant differences of perception of principal’s paternalistic leadership for teachers in terms of their background variables such as gender and positions. 3.There were significant differences of perception of efficacy for teachers in terms of their background variables such as age, the educational degree, training resources, serving years and positions. 4.There were significant differences of perception of job satisfaction for teachers in terms of their background variables such as gender, age, serving years and positions. 5.There were significant differences of perception of organizational commitment for teachers in terms of their background variables such as school size, age, educational degree, training resources, serving years and positions. 6.There were significant differences of perception of job satisfaction and organizational commitment for teachers in terms of their principals’ paternalistic leadership type. 7.The results of the hypothesized model “the relationship model among teachers’ efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment through paternalistic leadership of junior high school principals” showed that it fitted the empirically observed data well and can be used to explain the empirically observed data.




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