  • 學位論文


Integrated Customer Relationship Management with American Customer Satisfaction Index Model for Service Industries

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


「顧客關係管理」在服務業中已成為競爭的重要關鍵,如何提供給顧客好的服務品質,以提升顧客滿意度以及顧客忠誠度,是目前服務業中重要的課題,為了瞭解服務業之顧客經營現況,建立一套「顧客關係管理與美國顧客滿意指標整合模式」,來驗證服務業中顧客滿意經營整合之關聯程度,以及顧客關係管理之實施程度。 本研究以訪談與問卷進行實證分析,從分析的過程中可瞭解服務業「顧客關係管理」之實施程度與「顧客滿意經營整合」的狀況。而分析結果得到企業對此「顧客關係管理與美國顧客滿意指標整合模式」的認同度極高,分析之結果並提供給予各個行業未來改善之建議。 希望本研究能給予服務業在顧客滿意度的提升上有更加明確的架構,促使服務業具有更好的競爭力,能使顧客享受到更優質的服務。


Customer relationship management has become the key point of service business competition. In the same time, the assignment for discussion of how to supply the service and ensuring customer satisfaction is the most important in the service business. These objectives can be realized through an integrated model of a service delivery system, customer relationship management, and American customer satisfaction index. The aim of the present study is to establish such an integrated model. Interview and questionary analysis was used to determine how to apply implement of customer relationship management and customer satisfaction manage integrated on companies. The analysis outcome found that some of the companies have higher compatibility to this customer relationship management and American customer satisfaction index integrated model. The research will supply several suggestions to the service business on how to approve them in the future. The research could be helpful to the customer satisfaction improvement and to inentified a framework so that it good in business and the customer will enjoy a greater service priority than before.


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