  • 學位論文


Design and Application of Loader/Unloader for Cleanroom

指導教授 : 丁鏞


無塵室或稱潔淨室(Cleanroom)是指一個具有低污染水準的環境,透過將密閉空間內空氣中的微塵粒子等污染物排除,而得到一個相當潔淨的環境。無塵室被廣泛地應用在對環境污染特別敏感的產業,例如半導體生產、生化技術、精密機械、製藥、醫院、無菌食品加工製造業等,其中以半導體業對室內之溫濕度、潔淨度要求尤其嚴格,必須控制在某一個需求範圍內才不會對製程產生影響。 本研究是以探討如何設計符合無塵室Class 100等級要求之放/收板機設備,達到無塵室設備設計基本要求:灰塵不可從外部進入、不可產生灰塵、不可積塵、需易清理積塵。此設備之設計與開發內容包括了解無塵室環境與需求,進而功能概念設計、機架材質、機構配置、傳動機構設計、伺服控制器之軟硬體應用等。最後將完成的設備原型機進行測試並驗證其功能。


無塵室 放/收板機


Clean room is defined as a low level of environment pollution, in which dust particles and pollutants in the air are removed from a confined space to obtain a very clean environment. Cleanroom is widely used in industries sensitive to environmental pollution such as semiconductor manufacturing, biotechnology, precision machinery, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, sterile food processing industry. In particular, temperature, humidity, cleanliness requirements, strict, and so on must be controlled within a certain range of needs in the interior of the semiconductor industry to avoid from serious influence to the process. This primary objective of this study is to explore the design of cleanroom to meet with the requirement of Class 100, i.e., dust cannot enter from the outside, cannot produce dust and need to clean up dust, for the load/unloader device .design and development of this cleanroom includes understanding of the clean room environment and needs, and functional concept design, design of rack material, transmission mechanism, as well as servo controller. Finally, experimental testing and performance evaluation is carried out for the prototype of cleanroom.


clean rooms load / unloader device.


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