  • 學位論文


Information Quality of Report for Customer service

指導教授 : 皮世明


隨著全球化的擴張趨勢,跨國企業迅速壯大,經濟合作模式也打破地域及行業別的限制。垂直整合或是水平整合的營運模式更是時有所聞。然而如何成功的進行全球化、跨產業的整合,以創造企業最大利潤,維持永續經營,資訊品質扮演著十分關鍵的角色。 文獻中指出良好的資訊品質提供,首要且高難度的重點在於建構必要的正確概念和技術框架分析,其次是關於企業本身如何在瞬息萬變的市場上能快速及正確的提供攸關資訊給客戶。故本研究藉由與客戶緊密連接的管道-客戶服務報告作為此次探討資訊品質的標的,透過探討各個資訊來源及組成的要素,找出資訊品質需改善的部份,並針對此部份進行系統化改善。 本研究是以印刷電板業為個案,彙整系統開發及設計科學研究流程,進行系統建置及資訊品質評估,整理為以下幾項:資訊品質的衡量及誤認、以資訊系統改善資訊品質之建議可實行項目、製造業與客戶關係的改變、工業4.0的萌芽等等。期藉由本研究的發現,協助進行資訊品質改善時,能給予另一個不同的思考面向。


With the globalized expansion of the modern business, multinational corporations need to break the boundaries between different industries or geographic limits. It is very popular to make the vertical integration or horizontal integration. But how shall we make a successful integration to achieve the goal of maximum profit and sustainable business? The quality of information will inevitably play a key part. Literature review indicates that the most critical and difficult part for providing the excellent information is to establish the proper concept and technical framework analysis. Secondly, how the enterprises shall offer the relevant information to their customers fast and accurately in the rapidly changing market. Therefore, the customer service report, the highly connected channel with customer, is selected for the target of this research. This paper explores the resources and elements of the information to figure out which parts of information shall be improved and use the information technology to reform them. The research is based on the printed circuit board industry. It Integrated into Systems development in information systems research and a design science research methodology for information systems research to build system and assess quality of information. The result provide several conclusions as following : the measurement and the mistaken of the information quality, the practical suggestions for using the information system to improve the information quality, the changing relationship with customers in manufacturing industry, the initial stage of industry 4.0,etc. Through this research, it may render different point of view while assisting the improvement of information quality .


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