

國中適應體育教學實施現況研究 2007年5月 研 究 生:程淑麗 指導教授:程瑞福 摘要   本研究是以質性取向半結構之深度訪談方式,透過三位專家學者及八位資深體育教師為研究對象,深入蒐集其對於適應體育教學實施現況、課程規劃、教學需求及所面臨困難之經驗與看法。獲知研究的主要結果如下: 一、適應體育教學現況:輕度障礙學生採融合安置並由體育教師擔任教學,但部分學校體育仍有代、配課問題;其中,曾接受適應體育訓練及具專業背景之比例甚少,師資不足問題亦未獲得改善;而教師的教學熱忱與任教意願會受到年資、教學經驗及是否曾參與研習或訓練等因素影響。 二、適應體育課程規劃情形:體育教師以依據現行課程標準及原排定課程進度為主,且教學多以自身經驗再視情況修正;教學評量則依障礙學生努力程度、進步情形及情意整體表現作為評量依據。在教學需求方面,會主動提出、尋找支援的比例低。 三、適應體育教學器材需求:學校因經費缺乏,以致教學設備仍以現有為主,而添購器材後也可能產生使用率不高、不知如何使用等問題。另外,多數教師雖表示有尋求適應體育教科書參考,及修習特教知能之必要需求,只是教師並未積極尋求此資源之管道及方法。 四、實施適應體育所面臨之困難:因缺乏政策法令配套措施及經費的影響,特教與體育教師未有交集;中央與地方溝通執行不佳,種子教師亦無機會參與推廣;而回歸主流後學生需求相對增加,仍有部分體育教師對適應體育認知不足、缺乏熱忱、教學意願低落且在缺乏相關人員協助下實施傳統式教學以致同儕互動產生問題,障礙學生未能真正融入,學習權益遭受剝奪。 關鍵詞:適應體育、融合式適應體育


Research on Current Adapted Physical Education Carried out in Junior High School May, 2007 Graduate Student : Cheng Shu Li Professor : Cheng Ruei Fu Abstract This study adopts the semi-structural in-depth interview method of qualitative research to analyze the difficulties in current adapted physical education carried out, course programs and demands for education targeted by three experts and eight senior physical educators. The research results are as follows: I. Current condition of adapted physical education: Students with mild disabilities adopting the inclusion as a method are educated by physical educators; however, partial schools still suffer from problems in substitute teachers and class arrangements in physical education. Furthermore, seldom physical educators have trainings and experiences in adapted physical education, resulting in insufficient qualified teachers, and the problem has never been improved. On the other hand, teachers’ enthusiasm and desires for teaching will be affected in response to seniority, teaching experiences or whether the said educators were taking advanced courses or research, etc. II. Current condition of the plan for adapted physical education: Physical educators have their teaching courses according to the current course standards and the original class schedules. They are used to teaching by self experiences and judgment. Effort-making levels, learning advancement and the whole class performance are as the assessment for students. Seldom teachers suggest or look for resources in teaching actively. III.Demand for teaching materials in adapted physical education: Because of the shortage of fund, teachers can just use those teaching materials on hand. Purchasing new materials may even cause low utility or the use problems. Though both textbooks and such special education training courses are required, teachers are inactive to search for these resources and methods. IV. Difficulties in carrying out the adapted physical education: 1.Not only the deficiencies in practical policy but the shortages of fund make physical education and special education fail to be combined together.; 2.Efficient communications never exist between concerned authorities and local administration.;3. Seed teachers have seldom opportunities to join and spread the adapted physical education around.;4.As students’ demand for adapted physical education is increasing, yet physical educators still have traditional method in teaching because of insufficient knowledge, enthusiasm, desire and no assistance, causing problems between students among the same age. Students with disabilities were deprived of their rights to education. key word: adapted physical education、inclusive physical education




謝筱蕙(2009)。兩岸高中國語文教科書編制與政治意識形態選課研究 ──以龍騰版與人教版為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00039
