  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizational Socialization situation and Experiential Value of Hospitality Overseas Internship Students in the Technological Universities

指導教授 : 胡茹萍


本研究旨在探討科技大學餐旅群海外實習學生海外實習之組織社會化情形與體驗價值現況,並探究不同個人背景因素對於餐旅群海外實習學生之組織社會化情形與體驗價值之差異,以及更進一步探討餐旅群海外實習學生之組織社會化情形與其體驗價值間是否有關聯性。 本研究採取便利取樣的抽樣方式,以99學年度參與海外實習並已完成歸國之餐旅群海外實習學生為問卷發放對象,總共發放問卷62份,回收有效問卷51份。所得資料以描述性統計分析、驗證性因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及結構方程式進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,海外實習機構適度提供餐旅群海外實習學生一套明確的規範,有助於餐旅群海外實習學生在海外實習機構之工作表現、人際關係及提升體驗價值。此外,研究結果也發現在餐旅群海外實習學生對於辦理海外實習課程相關單位所提供之資訊、訓練課程之專業品質以及參與海外實習時環境安全等事項所感受到之體驗價值最低。可知,海外實習機構提供一套較為清楚、明確的標準給學生以及優先改善辦理海外實習課程之品質,應可使海外實習課程之推動與進行更為順利。 本研究共獲得六項結論,並且提出對教育主管機關、學校、海外實習機構、餐旅群海外實習學生以及後續研究者之建議共十五項,希望能作為日後辦理海外實習之相關單位推動海外實習課程,以及餐旅群學生參與海外實習作為參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the organizational socialization situation and experiential value of the hospitality overseas internship students in the technological universities, and overseas internship students’ personal background factors cause them difference in the organizational socialization situation and experiential value, and further explore the relationship between organizational socialization situation and experiential value. Subjects in this study were selected by convenience sampling method. The selected subjects, who were overseas internship students participation in overseas training and has completed. A total of 62 questionnaires were distributed with 51 valid questionnaires were returned. Information obtained from questionnaires are analyzed by description statistic, confirmatory factor analysis, independent sample t test, analysis of variance and structural equation model. As a result of this study, the overseas institutions provided overseas internship students a clear set of rules, to help overseas internship students’ work performance, interpersonal relationship, and enhanced the experience value. Besides, overseas internship students perceived the lowest experiential value from the information provided by internship organizers, the quality of professional training courses, and security of the overseas internship environmental. To smoothly promote the overseas internship, a more clearly set rules from overseas institutions should be priority and the improving of quality of overseas internship program . The 6 conclusions obtained from this study, and based on the study results,the author provides 15 recommendations for the references to education authorities, the University of Technology, overseas institutions, the hospitality overseas internship students and the follow-up researchers.


李佳蓉(2011)。泳渡日月潭參與者體驗行銷與體驗價值之研究。2011 年運動產
