  • 學位論文


My Land, My People –Discourse on the Creations of Ink-Painting Portraits by Jui-Chan Hsu

指導教授 : 李振明


歷代中國傳統水墨畫較少有關懷市井小民的作品,近代,受西洋藝術的影響,水墨畫家在創作題材有很大的突破,寫實人物的創作漸受重視,畫家個人對家鄉本土的情感與關懷,常是個人創作的重要內涵。在本創作論述中,我用觀察寫生的方式來呈現水墨,除了個人記憶的影像,也應用攝影將生活中攝入的人、事、物影像不斷在腦中反芻、思考,嘗試讓生活入畫,將水墨的墨韻融入生活!在快速流轉的時光中,捕捉住當下,將人物的表情、動作、情感……,細膩自然的轉化成為水墨創作內容,透過寫實美好的生活意象,讓稍縱即逝的時光昇華成為永恆! 本研究從中外人本思想、人文關懷之意涵出發,探討西方人文主義的藝術創作起源,以及西方藝術家的作品,也了解中國傳統水墨寫實人物的創作發展;汲古潤今,再探中國傳統水墨技法和人物的表現特色;最後,台灣水墨的本土意識、在地關懷、豐富的當代水墨人物創作形式,都是充實精進個人水墨創作必得分析探究的。 此次研究,我對市井小民寫實題材的關注,除了保留傳統水墨畫的筆法和墨韻,再加入西畫的光影、布局、設計等創作概念,也大量運用膠和礬突破水墨技法,創新藝術形象和語言。人物畫創作強調作者的氣質、修養、精神追求綜合塑造的畫面品格,要在表達人物特殊的、內在的、本質的美的過程中陶冶自己的情操,實現畫面形式與表現內容的統一、人物形象與作品情意的融合,用豐富的藝術底蘊,貼近市井小民的生活經驗,讓觀賞者不僅僅有感官上的美感體驗,還能引起情感共鳴、融入藝術作品的情境,並寄託個人的喜愛、憎惡、哀傷、快樂、回憶等各種情緒。希望個人水墨人物畫的創作表現,不只是畫家本身藝術符號的堆砌,更能再現市井小民生活的真善美意境。


A sparse collection of Chinese ink paintings concerning common folks we meet on the streets in daily lives may be found in the past history. However, ink painters have obtained major breakthroughs toward their creative subjects under the influence of western art forms in recent history. Creations of realistic characters were increasingly weighted by recent painters. Moreover, affection and concern toward their home lands/towns of these ink painters are major elements of topics commonly seen among creations. For the discourse on the creations, the author attempted to use the form of observed sketching through ink painting. Aside from the personal imprints retrieved from his memory, images of peoples, events, and objects photographed were constantly ruminated and pondered over by the creator (author) himself with an attempt of fusing the essences of ink paintings into the recreations of daily scenes. To be more specific, the author attempted to employ the ink painting method to depict images of expressions, motions and emotions of common people captured at some exact moments of their fast pacing day to day lives as they were photographed. It is hoped that through the presentations of ink painting portraits, the beautiful images of day to day lives in reality may be documented in the most effortless way and these images depicted among fleeting moments would became eternal. To begin the journey of present research, the author first elaborated the importance of philosophies and theories of humanisms throughout the East and the West. After that, the origins of artistic creations on the western humanisms and their related art works were reviewed. Furthermore, development of creations on realistic people in traditional Chinese ink paintings and their techniques, characteristics were also investigated from the past to the present time. Lastly and most importantly, the localism of ink paintings in Taiwan, concerns toward artists’ homelands/towns and abundant formats of contemporary characters created through ink painting were the highlights and worthy of exploring within the present research. The present research started from the discussions of humanisms throughout the East and the West and meanings of humanistic concern. Apart from maintaining the traditional techniques of ink painting, the creating ideas like the lighting, shading, composition and design were borrowed from the western style of paintings. Furthermore, the employments of fresh medium in ink painting such as glue and alum were considered to be a breakthrough in presenting a creative art form and refreshing communication. The presentation of portraits emphasized the qualities of temperament, cultivation and sprit of the author through the format of art. It was the hope of the author to express and celebrate the uniqueness and the internal beauty of humanism through his creations. Moreover, to narrow the gap between the audiences and himself, the author chose subjects which were related to the life experiences of common folks. Apart from bringing the spectators sensually aesthetic experiences, the author was hoping that they would projected themselves into the contexts of his artworks and resonated with their personal feelings, love, hate, happiness, memories and such. All in all, the author hoped his ink-painting presentations of the portraits would not be only a part of his personal art creations but a fine demonstration on the authenticity and beauty of the daily lives of common folks.


common folks humanistic concern realism local local culture


3. 鄭旺才(2003)《故鄉心.大地情》,台灣師範大學美術研究所在職進修班碩士論文。
4. 駱文旭(2011)《「討海人.意象」創作研究》,台灣師範大學美術研究所在職進修班碩士論文。
一 叢書
1. 馬風林著,《西方19世紀藝術主潮叢書—寫實主義》,武漢:湖北美術出版社,2005年4月第1版。
2. 許仁圖發行,《夏學叢書.中國畫論類編》,台北:河洛圖書出版社,民64年5月初版。
