  • 學位論文


Teacher Training of Cross-cultural Chinese Language Videoconference Classes

指導教授 : 謝佳玲


視訊課程可為國內外華語教師與華語學習者提供諸多教與學之益處,然而此種教學模式在華語教學界尚未普及,具有豐富視訊教學經驗的教師極少,相關師資培訓課程普及率也不高,足見發展此一領域師資教育之必要性。 目前國內機構開設的相關數位師資培訓班多偏重工具應用,少有針對教學技巧及教學內容進行培訓。本研究在社會語言互動觀與跨文化溝通素養等教學理念指導下,研發專門師資培訓課程以培養具備跨文化溝通知能的視訊華語教師。為達此目標,本研究採取調查研究法與行動研究法,調查新手教師需求與意見,並據此需求和相關教學理論設計系統化師資培訓課程。 研究調查結果顯示,新手教師在教材應用、提問活動設計、雙向交流等各方面表現皆有顯著進步,但在糾錯和發言比例兩方面表現稍弱;而原培訓課程在時程規劃、報名方式、培訓內容、培訓策略、作業說明、教材編寫、行政人事與試教合作模式都需要更細緻的設計與發展。依據調查結果,研究者利用ADDIE模式重新設計課程,並發展形成性與總結性評量,期待未來相關研究人員將本文所建立之師資培訓模式付諸實行,待課程模型發展成熟後,考慮將其設置為研究所的正式課程。


Videoconference classes have many benefits for Chinese language teaching and learning, both domestically and abroad. However, videoconferencing is still not frequently used to teach Chinese. Very few teachers have extensive experience with videoconference classes, and there are few teacher training programs that teach the necessary skills. There is a clear need to develop teacher education in this area. The e-teacher training programs currently available domestically tend to emphasize teaching tools at the expense of skills and content. The author of this study followed the precepts of the social-interactional view and cross-cultural communication to develop a specialized program intended to train teachers to teach videoconference classes and to attain cross-cultural communicative competence. After running a pilot program, the author utilized the survey research and action research methods to survey the needs and views of novice teachers, and used these views and relevant teaching theories to design an improved and more systematic teacher training program. The results of the survey showed that novice teachers felt that after undergoing training, their ability to effectively use teaching materials, design question and answer activities and carry out bidirectional communication showed clear improvement. However, they felt the course was ineffective in teaching them to correct errors and maintain an appropriate speaking time ratio, and also believed the program’s scheduling, registration method, training content, training strategies, assignment explanations, materials, administration and teaching practice method all required more meticulous design and development. On the basis of the results of the survey, the author used the ADDIE model to redesign the program and develop a formative evaluation and summative evaluation, in the hopes that future researchers can put the teacher training program developed in this study into practice and, once the program has been perfected, consider establishing a formal graduate-level course.




