  • 學位論文

由 考 試 文 化 的 角 度 分 析 我 國 學 生 在TIMSS 1999 的 答 題 表 現---- 生 命 科 學 部 分

Analysis of the Performance of Taiwan Eighth Grade Students in TIMSS 1999 from the Perspective of Testing Culture--- Life Science Section

指導教授 : 譚克平


本研究嘗試從我國「考試文化」的角度分析我國國二學生在TIMSS 1999生命科學部分的表現。由於兼顧量化及質性研究的TIMSS 1999,靈活運用多元化的評量方法,所得的結果資料豐富且具有可靠的代表性。所以本研究想利用這些寶貴的資料進行次層次分析,希望藉由本研究的結果看清楚我國科學教育的真實面貌,並提供決策者、教育家、教育從業者在教育改革上有價值的參考資料。本研究在成就測驗部分以敘述性研究法(Descriptive study),問卷部分以比較性研究法(comparative study),朝下述三個研究方面進行探討: 一、 瞭解我國學生在TIMSS 1999成就測驗中生命科學部分的答題表現為何? 二、 從文獻中探討考試文化的意涵以及瞭解文獻是如何從考試文化的角度看學校教育。 三、 了解我國學生在TIMSS 1999生命科學部分的表現與學生的哪些背景因素有關? 透過以上的分析研究後,獲致三項結果與建議擇要如下: 一、 我國學生在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題24個試題中,通過率最小值46﹪(生物的互動部份)、最大值94﹪(人體的過程部份)、24個試題通過率的算數平均數為67.83﹪,中位數Md為67﹪、第25個百分等級Q1為53.25﹪、第75個百分等級Q3為84.5﹪。24題中有9題的通過率未達60﹪,動物與植物部分占5題,生物的互動部分占3題,生殖、遺傳、演化、物種形成部分占1題。顯示整體而言,答題不理想以及低於國際平均的試題中有6題均屬於動物與植物範疇、有3題屬於生物的互動範疇,建議在教科書的內容及教學法的運用上加強。 二、 在價值觀方面:平均69.94﹪學生認為在自然科學上表現良好,以能夠找到想要的工作下,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均71.36﹪的答對率。平均高達84.97﹪學生認為需要在自然科學上表現良好,以能夠進入自己喜歡的高中或大學下,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均71.89﹪的答對率。平均61.79﹪學生期望自己最高教育程度為「大學畢業」,在期望自己的教育程度愈高的驅使下,在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均76.55﹪的答對率。 在補習方面:我國高達65.90﹪學生「沒有補習」,僅1﹪學生「在一星期中花超過5小時在自然科學科課外輔導/補習」,而「一星期中花3~5小時在自然科學科課外輔導/補習」的學生,,在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均78.99﹪的答對率。 在個人學習風格/信念方面:平均90.82﹪我國學生認為要學好自然科學,必須記憶教科書或筆記,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均70.83﹪的答對率。平均95.93﹪我國學生認為要學好自然科學,必須努力多練習,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均71.23﹪的答對率。 在科學教師教學風格/信念方面:我國科學教師在班級中,28.71﹪學生表示在上自然科學課時「總是」小考,高達45.59﹪學生表示在上自然科學課時「經常」小考,在這樣的教學風格/信念下,我國學生在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有71.42﹪的答對率。 顯示整體而言,在考試文化下,我國學生強調記憶與搜集能夠快速的獲得,在學習態度上想獲得高成績而努力不懈,師生都認為要努力多練習,如此一來,反而犧牲了好的教學。科學教師在生命科學教學時考試的頻率很高,更標榜標準化測驗,因而減少了其他類型測驗的功能。 三、 在性別方面:我國男、女學生在TIMSS 1999生命科學部分公開試題的成績間無顯著差異。本研究建議,我們應該加強宣導,以減少性別差異對學生在科學學習態度與興趣的影響。 在家中教育資源方面:家中藏書量「超過200本」的我國學生,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均78.60﹪的答對率。平均63.56﹪我國學生家中有電腦,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均73.14﹪的答對率。高達平均94.37﹪我國學生家中有專用的書桌,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均71.19﹪的答對率。高達平均98.51﹪我國學生家中有字典,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均70.90﹪的答對率。平均48.84﹪我國學生家中同時具有字典、書桌、電腦,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均73.64﹪的答對率。顯而易見,國人重視學生的學習成就,表現在家庭所提供的教育資源上。 在父母親的教育程度方面:父親的教育程度集中在大學程度以及大學畢業的我國學生,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均79.20﹪的答對率。母親的教育程度集中在大學程度以及大學畢業的我國學生,其在TIMSS 1999生命科學公開試題有平均75.96﹪的答對率。


This study is an attempt to understand the performance of Taiwan eighth graders in the life science section of TIMSS 1999. It differs from other studies in that it seeks to analyze and interpret the performance from the perspective of the testing culture, which has a long historical root. Since TIMSS 1999 was a carefully planned as well as conducted study, result thereby obtained from secondary analysis should reflect the actual situation to a certain extent. Such information should be valuable to educators and policy makers alike. More specifically, three research questions were raised in the present study. Firstly, how did Taiwan students performed overall in the life science section of TIMSS 1999? Secondly, what does the testing culture actually mean? How would it relate to the performance of Taiwan students in TIMSS 1999? Thirdly, besides the testing culture, what other background variables were related to Taiwan students’ performance in TIMSS 1999? In order to achieve these purposes, a literature review was conducted in order to understand better the meaning of the testing culture. Afterward, a set of background variables in the TIMSS questionnaire that were congruent to the meaning of the testing culture were being identified accordingly. Descriptive statistics were then conducted on the Taiwan sample so as to understand their overall performance on the released items in the life science section. Besides, an item analysis was done on those items in which the Taiwan students did not performed well. Furthermore, their performance was analyzed with respect to those variables that were related to the testing cultures. Finally, analysis was also performed with respect to other meaningful background variables such as gender and family educational resources. Overall speaking, it was found that Taiwan students performed relatively well in TIMSS 1999. However, of the 24 released life science items, there were a total of 9 items in which the Taiwan sample performed lower than a 60% passing rate or below the international average. Though the questionnaires in TIMSS 1999 were not designed to tap into the testing culture, several background variables were, nevertheless, identified to be congruent to this aspect. They include variables that were related to whether the students enrolled in some form of outside school tutorials, their values toward education, personal study belief, as well as the frequency of tests administered by their science teachers. It was found that there were some relationship between these testing culture variables and the students’ performance in TIMSS 1999. On the other hand, it was found that there was no gender difference so far as the released items in the life science section were concerned. Besides, there was some relationship between the numbers of books in ones’ families with their performance in TIMSS 1999. In general, the better their families’ educational resources, the better their performances in the life science items. Likewise, it was found that the better their parents’ educational background, the better their performance. Overall speaking, Taiwan students emphasized on memorization and were willing to work hard for better grades. On the other hand, Taiwan science teachers emphasized too much on testing students. This practice may deprive the students from the opportunity of obtaining deeper understanding in life science topics.


testing culture TIMSS 1999 Life science




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