  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 江岷欽


論文摘要: 不論是公部門或私部門,人力資源管理都是組織績效良窳的關鍵之一。除了人才的進用,人才如何善用,更是組織管理、發展最核心的問題,人力資源管理發展的新趨勢之一就是要建立績效導向之管理機制,以及顧客導向的行政服務理念,以績效決定考績、獎懲、待遇、陞遷,並作為訓練、培訓之依據,以激發公務人員潛能。薪資績效政策在民間企業行之多年,在政府體系中仍在起步階段,雖然建立績效為導向的政府,一直是從事政府改造者追求的目標,績效評估的理念、方法與技術儼然形成一股世界風潮,只是我國政府部門並沒有一套清楚且前瞻的薪資策略。 民國九十二年全國行政革新會議決定強化績效管理,行政院並開始推動考績制度改革與實施績效獎金制度,為績效待遇制度跨出一大步,但卻在諸多因素互相牽制之下,於九十五年即嘎然中止,對於國內績效薪俸制度的推動不啻是一大挫敗,但也給公共管理學界一個探討與公部門再出發的機會。 如何提升效能一直政府積極追求的目標,也是公共行政學者關注的課題,本文除了簡述相關理論與各國政府策略,重點是探討公部門薪資績效化的內涵與必要性,並從績效獎金的施行過程做觀察、檢討,並評估制度的缺失和解決之道,做為強化績效管理之芻議。 關鍵字:績效獎金、策略待遇、績效管理、人力資源


Abstract HRM is one of the hinge of organizational efficiency in the administration and private companies. To use human resource well is the most important core in organizational management. There is a trend to build a management system that leads the achievements and customers in the first place, and uses it for training, promotion, and etc. This system had been adopted in private institutes for many years, while it just started in the administration. To make the government more efficient is the goal for the officials who intend to rebuild the government structures. Ideals, methods, and skills of estimated efficiency have formed a mainstream in the world, but there is lacking of a clear perspective scheme in Taiwan. In order to strengthen the achievements of the departments in the government, Executive Yuan decided to implement the systems on the executive improvement conference in 2003, and it is a big step for change.However, the plan broke off due to many reasons, it was a huge setback for reforms, nonetheless it could be intercepted as a transit to restart in public management field. How to enhance the efficiency is not only the goal that the government pursuit positively, but the issue scholars emphasize on as well. This essay will describe the relevant theories and the strategies of a variety of countries briefly;the key point I want to figure out is to discuss content and necessary if the servant’s salary needs to be estimated by their effects. I will also observe the progress of issuing premium, and find the drawbacks of the system. After that I will render my suggestions to help strengthen the results in HRM. Keywords:performance bonus、strategic pay、performance management、human resource


吳瓊恩 (2001),《行政學》,台北:三民
施能傑 (2006),〈政府薪資績效化的政策設計〉,《公共行政學報》,第18 期,頁51-84
OECD (1993). Pay Flexibility in the Public Sector. Paris: OECD.


