  • 學位論文


Investigation of High quality AlN Template By Using PVD-AlN Layer With Annealing Process

指導教授 : 郭政煌


本論文將退火製程應用於物理氣象沉積法製備厚度20 nm的氮化鋁薄膜,在氮氣的環境下進行退火實驗,退火溫度分別為1400 °C、1500 °C、1600 °C、1650 °C,製程壓力分別為150 Torr、300 Torr、600 Torr、常壓。實驗結果顯示,氮化鋁薄膜經最佳的退火條件退火後,氮化鋁薄膜的表面型態及薄膜品質皆有大幅度的改善,氮化鋁薄膜的表面型態由島狀結構轉變成平滑的片狀結構,氮化鋁薄膜(102)面的ω-rocking curve半高寬由3047 arcsec降至516 arcsec,成功開發可用於成長UVC LED的高品質氮化鋁模板。 延續前面的實驗,我們利用金屬有機物化學氣象沉積法成長厚度約2.5 μm的氮化鋁厚膜於不同退火條件製備的氮化鋁模板。實驗結果顯示,成長於氮化鋁模板的氮化鋁厚膜之品質優於成長於藍寶石基板的氮化鋁厚膜,除此之外,成長於最佳退火條件製備之氮化鋁模板的氮化鋁厚膜有最佳的表面型態及品質。


退火 氮化鋁


In this study, thermal annealing process of PVD-AlN film with 20 nm thickness in nitrogen ambient was investigated. The annealing temperature were 1400,1500,1600 and 1650°C, respectively; while the process pressure were 150,300,600 Torr and atmosphere pressure, respectively. The results shows that, the AlN film quality and the surface morphology in optima annealing condition were significantly improved. The surface morphology of AlN film transformed from island structure to smooth terrace structure. The FWHM of the (102)-plane ω-rocking curve was improved from 3047 arcsec to 516 arcsec. We demonstrated high quality AlN template for UVC LED by annealing process. Following the previous experiment, 2.5 µm AlN was grown on AlN template prepared in different annealing condition by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Phase Deposition (MOCVD).The results shows that MOCVD-AlN grown on PVD-AlN template was shown better quality compared with MOCVD-AlN grown on sapphire. Furthermore, MOCVD-AlN grown on PVD-AlN template was prepared in optima annealing condition get best surface morphology and quality.


Annealing AlN


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